The Theory of the Origin of Life According to Harold Urey -Many concepts of the origin of life have been developed by scientists, one of which is Harols Urey. The concept put forward by Harold Urey states that life comes from inorganic substances that undergo changes to organic macromolecules. The concept began with the introduction of the concept of the origin of life by a … Read more

Chemosynthesis: Definition, Process, and Examples All – Life on earth depends on producers to provide food through anabolic reactions. The best known anabolic reaction is photosynthesis. However, did you know there is an anabolic reaction called chemosynthesis? What does it mean by chemosynthesis process? Chemosynthesis is a reaction in which complex molecules are assembled from simpler molecules. Chemosynthesis composes organic … Read more

Hints of Evolution Page all – Evolution is the process of change and development of living things in the long term. Variation is one indication of the occurrence evolution because variation indicates recombination and genetic mutation. What are the clues? evolution theory? Hints of evolution are fossils, anatomy and embryology, molecular biology, geographic distribution of living things, and the … Read more

Hints of Evolution – Evolution is the process of change and development of living things in the long term. Variation is one indication of the occurrence evolution because variation indicates recombination and genetic mutation. What are the clues? evolution theory? Hints of evolution are fossils, anatomy and embryology, molecular biology, geographic distribution of living things, and the … Read more

Analog Organs: Definition and Examples – Living things have organs that show homologous and analogous properties. The organs that exhibit analogous properties are the wings of a bat and also a dragonfly’s wing. However, what exactly is it organ analog and what are some examples of analogue organs? To find out the answer, consider the following explanation! Organ analog … Read more

Weaknesses of Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution Pages all – Evolution theory Lamar is one of theory of evolution which seeks to uncover the secrets of the evolution of living things. Lamarck’s theory could not last long because it had a weakness. Lamarck’s theory of evolution proposed by a French naturalist and biologist named Jean-Baptise Lamarck. In his book Philosophie zoologique, Lamarck argues … Read more

Weaknesses of Lamarck’s Theory of Evolution – Evolution theory Lamar is one of evolution theory which seeks to uncover the secrets of the evolution of living things. Lamarck’s theory could not last long because it had a weakness. Lamarck’s theory of evolution proposed by a French naturalist and biologist named Jean-Baptise Lamarck. In his book Philosophie zoologique, Lamarck argues that … Read more