Maxime Meiland does not want her own reality soap: ‘Only less interesting’ | NOW

Maxime Meiland does not feel like becoming the subject of her own reality series at the moment. In Veronica Magazine she says that a show about her alone would be less interesting. When asked if she is next to her role in Chateau Meiland, the reality series about her family that turns a castle into … Read more

Maxime Meiland had a nose job done at the age of nineteen NOW

Reality star Maxime Meiland had a nose job done at the age of nineteen. She did this because she thought the body part looked too much like her father Martien’s nose, she says in conversation with Tuesday LINDA girls. “I had Daddy’s nose and you really don’t want that, girl,” said 23-year-old Maxime Meiland. “At … Read more

The Meiland family wants to get rid of Chateau Marillaux within two years NOW

Martien and Erika Meiland do not expect that they will still be working in their own Chateau Marillaux in two years. In conversation with The entrepreneur they say they are ready for something new. “We are just going to be completely in season 2020, because then we are fully booked. We are all going to … Read more