Damage caused by storms: Which insurance company will pay for damage from storms, rain or hail? | Brisant.de

Damage caused by storms: Which insurance company will pay for damage from storms, rain or hail? | Brisant.de

Damage caused by overvoltage, tap water or fire is also covered. However, it is advisable to ask the insurance company carefully and get advice if necessary. Because at Storm damage Due to overvoltage, overcurrent or short circuit, a so-called overvoltage clause must be agreed so that the insurance covers the costs. Natural damage known as … Read more

The right insurance for your balcony power plant

The right insurance for your balcony power plant

A so-called balcony power plant is something like a miniature photovoltaic system that generates its own electricity and is simply connected to the power distribution system in the house. With a few exceptions, these mini systems do not usually require approval. However, it is important to have the right insurance for the balcony power plant. … Read more