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Sowan Ganjar Explains Dangdutan Deputy of DPRD, Walkot Tegal Apologizes


Mayor of Tegal Dedy Yon Supriyono met with the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang, to clarify the matter dangdut concerts which was held by the Deputy Chairman of the Tegal City DPRD.

Dedy, accompanied by Forkopimda City of Tegal, came to the official residence of the Governor of Central Java, Puri Gedeh, Jalan Governor Budiono, Semarang tonight. They immediately met in the living room.

The meeting lasted for about an hour, then Dedy and the forkopimda who were present left the room. After the meeting, Dedy said that he had come to clarify the implementation a dangdut concert at a celebration on Wednesday (23/9). The event was organized by the Deputy Chairman of the Tegal City DPRD, Wasmad Edi Susilo.

“Just now, together with all the forkopimda ranks, we got in touch with the Governor, we coordinated or clarified that yesterday the City of Tegal was viral or there was a dangdut event or a celebration event. This is our evaluation,” said Dedy at Puri Gedeh, Friday (25/9 / 2020).

Tegal Mayor Dedy Yon Supriyono met with the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo in Semarang, Friday (25/9/2020). Photo: Angling Adhitya Purbaya / detikcom

It explains the instructions Reward namely the City of Tegal must be sterile and Dedy also explained that it would close down crowd activities including in squares and tourist objects.

“The governor’s direction, Tegal City must be really safe. We conveyed that in a busy public space, we will see again that it will turn off (stop activities) in the square for tourist objects to close and some cafes,” he explained.

When asked about the large stage in the South Tegal Village Field for the dangdut concert, the Deputy Chairman of the Tegal City DPRD, Dedy admitted that he did not know the event would continue into the evening. To the best of his knowledge he is only a solo organ for invited guests.

“We are here, only when I was present was earlier than 11.00 WIB, it was not crowded yet, only at noon and also only for guests and not for the public,” said Dedy.

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