Home » today » Health » [Sleep Weight Loss Method]A nutritionist recommends “733 Sleep Weight Loss Method” to see the 3 keys to losing weight- Hong Kong Economic Times- TOPick – Health- Health and Beauty

[Sleep Weight Loss Method]A nutritionist recommends “733 Sleep Weight Loss Method” to see the 3 keys to losing weight- Hong Kong Economic Times- TOPick – Health- Health and Beauty

Can you lose weight while sleeping? Koshiko Sato, a famous Japanese weight loss doctor, once proposed the “733 Sleep Weight Loss Method”, which means that the sleep time must reach 7 hours a day, and after falling asleep, you must sleep for at least 3 hours, and you must enter a deep sleep state at 3 o’clock in the middle of the night. A nutritionist in Taiwan recently shared this method and explained the principle behind weight loss. As long as you grasp the sleep time when your physiological function is the most vigorous, you can promote metabolism and achieve the effect of fat burning and weight loss.

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According to Taiwan TVBS program “Health 2.0”, nutritionist Song Minghua shared that one of the keys to weight loss is “sleep”, pointing out that diet, exercise and sleep are all indispensable factors for weight loss. However, Song Minghua also emphasized that more sleeping time is definitely not the better, and it is not feasible to use sleep to fight hunger, because it will directly affect the body’s ghrelin and leptin.

But if you don’t get enough sleep, or don’t sleep at the right time, a large amount of ghrelin will be secreted, which in turn stimulates the brain center, making the desire to eat junk food more intense. Song Minghua said that as long as you sleep right, and the time and quality of sleep are good, your body can help control your weight. The following is her sharing of the “733 Sleep Weight Loss Method” proposed by famous weight loss doctor Koshiko Sato:

  • You must sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  • Sleep deeply for at least 3 hours after falling asleep.
  • Be sure to fall asleep at 3 am.

Song Minghua said that the highest secretion of human growth hormone is from about 10 pm to 2 am. As long as the secretion of growth hormone is sufficient, it can stimulate fat metabolism, thereby helping to control hormones to achieve weight loss.

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Responsible editor: Luo Jiaxin

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