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Signs of Hypertension Patients Must Immediately See a Doctor

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta Hypertension or high blood pressure can be experienced by anyone over the age of 20 years. This health problem requires constant monitoring of blood pressure.


Hal yang paling berbahaya tentang tekanan darah tinggi adalah tidak diketahui selama bertahun-tahun karena gejalanya tidak menonjol. Masalahnya hanya terdeteksi setelah mencapai tingkat berbahaya dan mulai merusak organ lain, juga dapat menyebabkan komplikasi yang mengancam jiwa, seperti serangan jantung dan stroke.

Tekanan darah tinggi yang ekstrem membutuhkan perhatian segera. Berikut beberapa tanda tekanan darah sangat tinggi dan membutuhkan perhatian medis segera, dilansir dari Times of India.


Sesak napas
Penderita hipertensi pulmonal biasanya mudah mengalami sesak napas dan kesulitan melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Mati lemas mendadak juga bisa menjadi tanda stroke dan serangan jantung. Tekanan darah tinggi yang berkepanjangan dapat menyebabkan kelelahan dan sesak napas.

Red spots on the eyes
Red spots in the eyes also known as bleeding are caused by an increase in blood pressure. Too much pressure on the artery walls can stretch the tissue, which becomes damaged after a point, even damaging the arteries and optic nerve of the eye if left untreated for a long time. Sometimes, blood spots in the eye are also without cause and can be identified. In any case, it is very important to visit a doctor.

Sudden dizziness and loss of balance or coordination are warning signs of a stroke. This is a common sign in cases of prolonged high blood pressure. In addition, the sudden dizziness sometimes experienced when suffering from hypertension may be caused by a loss of oxygen flow to the brain. Dizziness can also be caused by high blood pressure medications.

Having high blood pressure can also trigger feelings of anxiety. Severe anxiety causes symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, shaking, and heavy breathing. All of these problems require immediate medical attention. In fact, anxiety can increase blood pressure which may have a severe impact on mental and physical health.

High blood pressure, also called a hypertensive crisis, can cause vomiting-like symptoms. These symptoms of hypertension also require immediate medical attention. Other symptoms of blood pressure very high levels include confusion, nosebleeds, and blurred vision.

Also read: Increased Blood Pressure While in the Hospital? Maybe White Coat Hypertension Symptoms

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