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Sense of Smell Doesn’t Work When Positive for Covid? Here’s How To Overcome It

The symptoms of Covid-19 are actually very diverse, not everyone has the same symptoms. One of the symptoms that are often felt by some people with this disease is loss of function the sense of smell and also the sense of taste.

These symptoms of course make Covid-19 sufferers feel uncomfortable. The presence of anosmia often makes patients stressed and affects their immune system.

What is Anosmia?

Anosmia is the term used for the condition of a person who loses the function of his sense of smell. That is, someone who has this disorder cannot smell any scent, even pungent ones such as perfume, fishy smell of fish, and garlic.

This condition is also experienced by those who suffer from rhinitis, nasal polyps, sinusitis, deviated septum, and a disturbance in the olfactory nerve that makes these senses unable to function optimally.

Causes of Loss of Sense of Smell and Taste

The cause of this disorder is a blockage or swelling in the nose area. This blockage makes the smell undetectable by the olfactory nerves. Another cause of the loss of the sense of smell, namely the nerves that are impaired.

In Covid-19 patients, the cause of the loss of sense of smell is not known for certain. However, this condition is thought to occur due to inflammation of the nasal cavity. This inflammation can occur when the corona virus enters through the nose. This virus will then disrupt the olfactory nervous system.

Quoted from the page Alodokter, Covid-19 symptoms This usually appears early in the course of infection. Then it will gradually disappear in approximately 28 days.

The loss of the sense of smell also affects other functions, namely the sense of taste. Many Covid-19 survivors feel both.

They can not taste any food that is consumed because there is no stimulation from the sense of smell and taste. The two senses are interconnected, so that when one of them is disturbed, the other is also disturbed.

How long does it take to lose your sense of smell when you are positive for Covid-19?

The duration of the condition of anosmia varies from person to person. Kompas.com wrote, there are Covid-19 patients who feel disturbed anosmia for only two weeks. However, there are also those who feel it two to five months after being tested negative for the corona virus.

Inflammation experienced by each person is different. If the inflammation is not severe, then the symptoms will not last long. But if the symptoms are severe enough, usually the time to recover from the condition also becomes longer.

How to Overcome the Loss of Sense of Smell When Positive for Covid-19

For Covid-19 survivors, and feel the sense of smell is not working, don’t panic or stress. Here are some things you can do when you feel symptoms: anosmia.

1. Do olfactory exercises

Train your sense of smell to function quickly. This exercise is done by trying to sniff or smell various objects that have a strong odor but are still safe when inhaled, such as perfume, garlic, soap, shampoo, coffee, or strong-smelling foods.

For those who feel the symptoms of anosmia for at least one day, they must train their sense of smell to sniff out four different smells with a frequency of twice a day. This method aims to restore the sense system naturally.

2. Regulate the food consumed

Usually those who experience a loss of smell will also be followed by a loss of sense of taste that makes appetite disappear. In fact, eating regularly can increase endurance and inflammation can heal quickly.

Therefore, when there are Covid-19 patients who complain of losing the function of their sense of smell, it is highly recommended to continue to eat healthy foods with various variations so that their immune system can recover.

3. Consuming Ginger

One of the natural remedies to treat anosmia is ginger. This one spice not only has a strong aroma, but also gives a warm feeling to the body. The body becomes more comfortable and less easily stressed. In addition, ginger is also able to increase endurance which can make inflammation in the area of ​​the sense of smell heal quickly.

Ginger has antimicrobial properties that can clean arthritic particles in the nose. Its gingerol content can also stimulate the sense of smell to function properly. There are many options for consuming ginger. You can chew this spice right away or brew it into a drink.

4. Drink Lemon Water

Besides ginger, another natural anosmia remedy is lemon. This vitamin C-rich fruit has antimicrobial properties that help restore the sense of smell. Mix lemon juice with warm water. Give a little honey and drink twice a day to relieve sore throat and reduce the symptoms of anosmia.

5. Utilize Garlic

Garlic which is usually only used for cooking turns out to contain ricinoleic acid which is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial. This good content makes garlic potential to be used as medicine anosmia natural. The method is very easy, just mash the garlic then mix it with boiling water, and boil it for about two minutes. Drink the concoction regularly.

Although there are some natural ingredients that are believed to be able to overcome the sense of smell lost, but before using it it would be nice if you consult with your doctor first.

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