Home » today » Entertainment » Selvaggia Lucarelli against Barbara D’Urso, harsh words “one day this lady will have to… – Baritalia News

Selvaggia Lucarelli against Barbara D’Urso, harsh words “one day this lady will have to… – Baritalia News

Wild Lucarelli comments on almost every situation that happens in our country and usually his judgments have the approval of many people because he goes straight to the point, he doesn’t care who his target is and how influential he might be and he doesn’t spare anyone when the behaviors and the various behaviors are to be blamed.

She recently lashed out at it Fabrizio Corona and Nina Moric and this is certainly not the first time and it was also very hard.

The last time, however, his attack was directed towards the presenter, perhaps most loved and hated at the same time, Barbara D’Urso. Let’s see what happened.

Selvaggia Lucarelli invokes social workers for the son of Fabrizio Corona and Nina Moric

Wild Lucarelli, after having listened to the two phone calls like so many other Italians Nina Moric has made public on social media, the first intervened between her and her ex-husband Fabrizio Corona during which Corona threatened her with death and the other between Moric and son Carlos during which the boy, now 18 years old, after deciding to leave his maternal home and go to live with his father, had begged his mother to return him home, said that social workers should have intervened in this decidedly bordeline family.

Wild Lucarelli attacks Barbara D’Urso

Sunday evening to Sunday Live Barbara D’Urso hosted in connection from home Fabrizio Corona who, visibly out of his mind, attacked with extreme verbal violence ex-wife Nina Moric defining it with unflattering adjectives.

Barbara D’Urso so she decided to break the connection because the situation was getting too heavy and was getting out of hand. Fabrizio Corona, as soon as he realized he was cut off from the program he made a live Instagram during which he continued to attack in a very violent way the ex-wife telling very personal and decidedly disturbing details.

At that point, on social media, the next day Wild Lucarelli he commented thus attacking Barbara D’Urso and said: “Yesterday Barbara D’Urso hosted: Fabrizio Corona under house arrest who, in a visibly altered state, displayed details between the squalid and the delicate psychological conditions of his son. Iconize, known because he gave himself a frozen in the face to fake a homophobic assault and get some likes. Fausto Leali expelled from the Gf for racist epithets. Nice cool that ‘I’m super gifted and I say it in my songs’. I spread merciful veils on other recently seen curtains and on the characters in the spheres ”.

And then he continued: “I believe that one day, when his moment ends, the lady will have to ask herself why the morbid, sinister attraction to these diseducating models brought on TV for years and wondering how much it contributed to the ugliness of the poorest part of the country in terms of tools. An incalculable cultural damage, with aftermath that they will carry with them I don’t know how many generations ”.

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