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Seeds that give you energy, support digestive health and help reduce the risk of cancer

Thursday 01 December 2022, 21:01

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A serving of flaxseed provides impressive amounts of nutrients and the benefits include improved digestion and a reduced risk of cancer.

Flaxseeds are small edible seeds of the North American flax plant. Not only do these seeds add a nutty flavor to dishes, but they’re also packed with nutrients like heart-healthy fats, fiber, plant protein, and key vitamins and minerals.

They can improve health cardiovasculara

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Flaxseeds may protect heart health in several ways, most notably by reducing risk factors for heart disease they were of the heart, such as low blood pressure. A review of 15 studies published in Clinical Nutrition found that flaxseeds lower blood pressure, especially when taken for 12 weeks or longer.

Improve the level of cholesterol

One study found that among 50 adults with high cholesterol, those who ate about three tablespoons of roasted flaxseed powder daily for three months saw significant reductions in levels of total cholesterol and LDL (also known as “bad” cholesterol). ) compared to a group placebo. They also observed an increase in HDL cholesterol levels.

Supports digestive health

Four tablespoons of flaxseed provides 27 percent of the recommended daily intake of fiber, a key nutrient for digestive health.

Also, it helps in weight management, prevents constipation. Flaxseeds contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, each of which improves bowel movements in slightly different ways: Soluble fiber softens stool so it can pass more easily through the digestive tract. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool, pushing waste through your intestines faster, relieving constipation.

Helps reduce the risk of cancer

While no food or supplement can prevent cancer, some research shows that flaxseeds may reduce the risk or spread of some types of cancer.

For example, the high fiber content of flaxseeds may reduce your chances of developing colorectal cancer. For every 10 additional grams of fiber consumed, there is a 7% reduction in the risk of colorectal cancer.

It might improve your blood sugar

According to one study, it was found that those who consumed 13 grams of flaxseed per day, about two tablespoons, saw the greatest reductions in blood sugar levels and the most significant improvement in insulin sensitivity.

Weight management support

Incorporating flax seeds into diet ta can help with healthy and sustainable weight management due to their soluble fiber content. m

Most of the soluble fiber in flaxseed is called mucilage (containing 35-45% fiber), which, when combined with water, forms a gel-like consistency.

This slows down the rate at which food moves through your stomach, so you stay fuller longer, as explained in a 2015 article in the Journal of Food Science and Technology.

Helps protect against chronic disease

In addition to their beneficial fat and fiber, flaxseeds are rich in protective antioxidants called polyphenols.

Polyphenols act as bodyguards for our cells, protecting them from damage that could lead to cancer, aging and chronic diseases, including heart disease.

What vitamins do they contain?

Flaxseeds are an excellent source of thiamin, a B vitamin that helps convert nutrients into energy.

Another important nutrient in flaxseed is magnesium, which is important for nerve, muscle and immune function.

Meanwhile, selenium protects cells from damage or infection. And iron helps make red blood cells, which carry oxygen through our bloodstream.

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