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Science Explanation About the Death Process of Stars According to the Koran: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – Witness the light bintang the glitter in the sky feels so amazing. Starlight only appears when the sky is dark.

Quoted from the book Science in the Koran, it is explained that the stars are also increasingly visible when there is no light around the area that witnessed them.

However, it turns out that with the help of giant telescopes, scientists can find out that there are hundreds of dead stars every hour.

Before dying, the star’s light suddenly grew brighter, even reaching hundreds of thousands of times as bright as the sun and its size grew thousands of kilometers per second.

Returning to the holy verse of the Qur’an, it is mentioned there, the end of the life of the planets is falling apart through His word:

And the stars scattered

“And when the planets fall scattered.” (QS. Al-Infithar: 2).

Allah SWT also talks about the end of the life of the stars, namely dimming and disappearing, through His words:

And when the stars recede,

“And when the stars have dimmed.” (QS. At-Takwir: 2)

Then the stars were obliterated

“Then when the stars have vanished.” (QS. Al-Mursalat: 8).

Great accuracy in the Qur’anic expressions regarding this fact.

Meanwhile, the stages of the life of stars have only been discovered in this technological age, even though Allah has explained them more than 1,400 years ago in the Qur’an.

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