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Schedule for Ramadan 2021 Imsak Fasting for All Indonesia See Here

JakartaImsak linguistically it means to hold back. Allah SWT says in the letter of Fathir verse 41:

وٱلٱلَّهَ يُمْسِكٱ َّلٱمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضأَ و تَزُولَا َ

Which means: “Verily, Allah holds the heavens and the earth so that they do not pass away; and verily, if they both pass away, no one can withstand them except Allah. Indeed, He is the Most Forbearing, the Most Forgiving.”

However, in terms of fasting, what is meant by Imsak is to refrain from everything that breaks fasting and refrain from eating, drinking and jima.

Imsakiyah Schedule are words that are very familiar in our country, where the government, in this case the Ministry of Religion, will usually add an imsakiyah schedule column to the prayer time schedule information, usually written there the imsakiyah schedule is 10 minutes before the dawn prayer time every month Ramadan.

Fasting starts from the dawn (dawn) until the sun sets at the same time as maghrib time.

Allah SWT says:

Since fasting hl us alrfs smart nsaykm us wear this dress vantm knowledge begged God are income tkhtanvn nfskm ftab I vfa far- fallon bashrvhn vabtghva Ma books vklva vashrbva us until God ytbyn us alkhyt alabyz de alkhyt Aswad of dawn, his fasting MMO smart Ep villa tbashrvhn vantm akfvn INR Tilak no limits tqrbvha God flourished kzlk ybyn God yath llnas llhm ytqvn

Meaning: “It is lawful for you on the night of the month of fasting to mix with your wives; they are clothing for you, and you are clothing for them. God knows that you can not restrain your desires, therefore God forgives you and forgives you. So now mix them and follow what Allah has ordained for you, and eat and drink until the white thread of the black thread becomes clear to you, that is, the dawn. Then complete the fast until (come) night, (but) do not mix them while you give ‘ tikaf in the mosque. That is the prohibition of Allah, so do not approach it. Thus Allah explains His verses to people, that they may fear. “

Usually the time for the Imsak is around 10 minutes before dawn, 10 minutes can be used to read 50 verses that are not too long. In those 10 minutes, we should use it for ablution and get ready to carry out the Fajr prayer at the mosque.

You can see the imsakiyah schedule for Ramadan 2021. This is the download link to find out the fasting schedule and Imsak in the month of Ramadan 2021:

1. Via the official website of the Nadhlatul Ulama Executive Board of the Falakiyah Institute.

https://falakiyah.nu.or.id/ in this link contains the schedule for the Ramadhan 1442 H imsakiyah up to the schedule for breaking the fast.

2. Through the Bimas Islam website, Direkorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam https://bimasislam.kemenag.go.id/jadwalimsakiyah.

Here you can change the location and time zone according to your current location to find out the iftar schedule as well imsakiyah schedule.

The Imsakiyah schedule can also be viewed and downloaded HERE.

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