Home » World » Russia has not yet reached an agreement with the United States on nuclear weapons control, the Kremlin points out

Russia has not yet reached an agreement with the United States on nuclear weapons control, the Kremlin points out

Russia announced on Wednesday that no agreement has yet been reached with ASV on the extension of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (START), although the United States has stated that progress has been made in the negotiations.

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START, signed in 2010, is currently the only remaining nuclear arms control treaty between the United States and Russia.

The contract will expire in February next year.

The treaty sets nuclear and arsenal ceilings for the United States and Russia significantly lower than during the Cold War, when they peaked.

US officials have indicated on social media that in principle an agreement has been reached with Russia on extending START.

But a Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced today that no agreement has yet been reached, although the Kremlin has hoped for a common understanding that the treaty needs to be extended.

“We understand that it needs to be extended, that it is in the interests of both our countries and for the strategic security of the whole world,” Peskov said.

Meanwhile, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said today that he sees no prospect of extending START, but Moscow will continue talks anyway.

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