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Ruling on Changing Places during Sunnah and Fardu Prayers


There are many small things in worship that we do not understand and know the law. Changing places when praying sunnah and fardu, of course, we have seen done by many people.

Prayer habits like that sometimes be a question. What is the meaning of the person moving from place to place during sunnah and fard prayers?

There are those who worry that such prayers are actually not recommended or heretical. Kata Ustaz took an explanation of the matter from Ustaz Maulana.

Here is the explanation Master Maulana:

I am Ustaz Maulana alhamdulillah, I state that I use the school of Imam Syafi’i, suitable for us in Indonesia. Ask for permission, not to teach, may these studies lead us to glory, increase rewards, even increase deeds of worship.

One thing for us, why are there people after prayer there are people moving around. After the prayer move again, move again, move again. Asking permission without patronizing, moving around after prayer, whether it’s moving from house to mosque or in the mosque he moves around. It is used as a separator between the sunnah prayer and the fard prayer or the fard prayer and the sunnah prayer.

Then why? Because to multiply the place of prostration. In one narration it is stated, even the devil throughout the earth, all the land on this earth has been worshiped by the devil, moved, moved, so moving around was extraordinary.

There is also if you can move from one mosque to another. I remember in 2000 I made a commitment to move from this mosque, move again, move again (to another mosque). Then, as witnesses, all of us who live in prostration are witnesses, hopefully it will be a blessing for us, so it is also beneficial for us that this place was once occupied by prostration.

If you can attend these 2 mosques, the Grand Mosque, the Prophet’s Mosque and there is one more mosque, the Aqsa Mosque. All the mosques we live in will be witnesses in the future.

(Move the place of sunnah and obligatory prayers) Yes, very good.

Watch Videos “Chairul Tanjung’s Mother in Memories of Ustaz Maulana
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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