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report increase in size of female breasts in Norway

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Emma, ​​a 17-year-old girl, noticed something strange after being vaccinated against covid-19: an unusual side effect after receiving the immunization from Pfizer caused her to upload a video on social networks complaining about these adversities: the vaccine from the American pharmaceutical company had increased bust.

The young tiktoker said in a video on this social network that her breasts had noticeably enlarged 15 days after being vaccinated with the Pfizer immunization.

“It was kind of a crisis for me. I had to buy a bra one size larger,” she said, after which she received many similar stories from other women in the comments.

But this is not the only case in which a young woman complains of this breast enlargement, in fact women from all over the world have seen this increase in her breast.

According to the NRK medium, the vaccine could have an effect of this magnitude due to the reactions that some women may present after being vaccinated with this drug.

Dr. Heinrich Bachmann said that the eventual growth of the breasts is only apparent and is caused by temporary inflammation of the breasts lymph nodes, a reaction that lasts a few weeks.

According to the Norwegian doctor, Steinar Madsen, approximately 10 percent of women who receive the vaccine will have swollen lymph nodes, this causes the breasts to be pushed forward a bit and appear large.

The Pfizer offices assured that until that moment no cases of this nature had been reported, but they did not rule out the possibility that the COVID-19 vaccine could have these adverse effects.


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