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Refutation of Cheating by Vice Regent of Humbahas Motivated by Extortion


Slanted news about affair hit the Deputy Regent Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas) Oloan P Nababan. He was accused of having an affair with a civil servant in the Provincial Government North Sumatra (North Sumatra Provincial Government).

Allegations of Wabup Oloan having an affair with a civil servant named Sari Simanjuntak surfaced because a Facebook account named Arjun Permana wrote about the affair.

“Is it appropriate for a man who is already married to have affection for another woman? Moreover, he is a deputy regent. The deputy regent should lead the people well,” wrote Arjun Permana, as seen detik.com, Wednesday (25/8).

Arjun Permana’s account wrote that Oloan brought Sari, who is suspected of having an affair, to meet the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi. The meeting, he said, was held as a form of lobbying for Sari, who is Oloan’s mistress, to be given a position by Gubsu Edy.

Arjun Permana also uploaded a photo of Oloan Nababan together with Sari. There is a video containing a recorded conversation which Arjun Permana calls the conversation between Oloan and Sari.

Sari did not accept the post accusing her of being an affair. He reported Arjun Permana’s account to the North Sumatra Police. The report is numbered LP/B/1341/VIII/2021/SPKT/Polda North Sumatra dated August 24, 2021.

Rebuttal of the Vice Regent of Humbahas

The Deputy Head of Humbahas Oloan P Nababan denied the infidelity issue that was alleged to him. He called the spreader of the issue of his affair extortion.

Reporting from Antara, Monday (30/8/2021), Oloan said that there were a number of photos that the perpetrators deliberately edited. He said there was also a conversation via gadget between him and Sari Simanjuntak as a threat to blackmail him.

“I, Oloan P Nababan, Deputy Regent of Humbahas, accompanied by his wife Erma Simbolon stated that the perpetrators who spread the infidelity issue deliberately edited photos for the purpose of extorting, getting projects, or money,” said Oloan in Doloksanggul.

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