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Recognize Symptoms of Breast Cancer Early


JAKARTA – High case breast cancer actually requires every woman to know the signs of this cancer so that action can be taken immediately. Some of the typical symptoms of breast cancer are a lump or mass that is sometimes painful in the area around the breast.

Then there is skin irritation. Also be careful if there is nipple retraction. “This retraction is the nipple which should be outside but is pulled inward,” said Kalbe’s Medical Department, Dr. Hastarita Lawrenti. (Read: Corona Outbreak, Can Salat Wear a Mask?)

Other symptoms such as nipple discharge, which is the condition of discharge from the breast, and there is swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpit or around the neck. In general, there are three subtypes of breast cancer, namely HR positive (HR +), HER2 positive (HER2 +), and triple negative. A positive HR (hormone receptor) indicates that the growth of breast cancer cells is triggered by hormones, both estrogen, progesterone, or both.

As for the HER2 + type, cancer cells come from the HER2 protein that grows uncontrollably. Another with triple negative, the cancer cells are not influenced by hormones or HER2. Keep in mind, certain subtypes of cancer can receive additional therapy outside of conventional therapy which includes surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. (Also read: Russia Begins to Send First Wave of Covid-19 Vaccines)

Breast cancer treatment depends on the subtype and stage, some are given surgery first, then systemic drugs, some are given medication first and then surgery. “Except for stage 4 there is no operation because there is no benefit unless after treatment the place of spread is far clean, then surgery is considered,” said Dr. Farida Briani Sobri SpB (K) Onk.

There are several risk factors for breast cancer, including being overweight or obese. This can increase a person’s risk of developing various types of cancer, including breast. Fat tissue increases the production of estrogen which, if in excess, is often associated with breast cancer triggers.

Therefore, you should limit your intake of high calorie foods and drinks. Routine exercise is also an effort to prevent this deadly disease. Get at least 75 to 150 minutes of moderate to high intensity exercise each week.

As for children and adolescents, do high intensity exercise for one hour at least three times a week. And try to eat healthy foods. These include reducing the consumption of red meat and processed meats and increasing the consumption of vegetables and fruits. (See the video: The Role of Ki Gede Sala in the History of the Founding of Solo City)


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