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Post-earthquake hazards and the mystery of “silt volcanoes” and blue light

News Arabia"the seriousness of the aftermath of the earthquake, also explains the causes of mysterious phenomena.

Post-earthquake risks include some geological phenomena, including the appearance of faults, as there are faults that appeared after the earthquake in Turkey, and each fault includes two blocks on its sides, and these faults move with horizontal movements, which leads to the widening of the fault, and therefore we find that these faults lead to the division of roads .

These faults affect the road and railway networks, which are exposed to bends in the rails as a result of the blocks moving in reverse, each in one direction.

These faults are permanent changes. In agricultural lands, these faults may be filled with silt, but this does not mean that the fault has ended, but it remains present.

One of the problems caused by these faults is that it is not possible to build in the fault areas, and if construction is done on one side of the fault, it requires engineering specific building methods and specific concretes.

Fault areas are often likely to have displacements at any time or land subsidence, because these sides are subject to movement.

Buildings located in the fault areas or directly above the fault, even if they conform to the engineering standards or the earthquake code, are subject to destruction.

The application of seismic codes does not mean that buildings are not at risk of falling, because buildings located directly above the fault will fall, and therefore these codes reduce losses and do not prevent them.

It must also be emphasized that these faults are not caused by earthquakes, but are associated with large earthquakes, as happened in Turkey.

The Turkey earthquake caused huge faults and displacements, as the entire Anatolian block moved towards the Mediterranean about 8 meters. Without earthquakes, these blocks move from 2 to 3 centimeters every year.

These movements are through the existing faults, and therefore it is not true that the faults may heal because they increase, and in the event of new earthquakes, these faults become active again and increase in size.

Water leakage and reservoir dams

Other risks that arise after earthquakes are related to groundwater, because as a result of tremors and faults, groundwater leaks.

Leakage naturally affects the groundwater level, in addition to the repercussions that may fall on the dams’ reservoirs, and the bodies of the dams themselves may be damaged by the occurrence of cracks even if these cracks are not visible, due to the huge faults that may form underground.

These repercussions are the result of the change that occurs in the ground, but the epicenter of the earthquake may be located at a depth of 10 or 20 kilometers, and the epicenter of the earthquake causes seismic waves up and down.

This focus extends into the interior of the earth and sends waves in all directions, which affects the formation of the earth below, which causes many geological changes.

These changes are also reflected in oil and natural gas, as happened in Syria, where they were seen "The pits" which resemble craters of volcanoes.

The phenomenon that occurred in Syria is called "Silt volcanoes"They are not volcanoes in the known sense, but this phenomenon occurs as a result of the exit of gases from the ground.

These gases, on their way out, dissolve the rocks and produce dust that comes out of the crater mixed with certain solutions, which results in the formation of these small pits or eyes that rise centimeters on the surface of the earth and may reach half a meter or a meter at most.

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What about blue light?

Blue light is a temporary phenomenon, and it is a flash that occurs only at the time of the earthquake, and is formed as a result of the fracture that occurs in the rock plates or layers.

The fracture that occurs causes severe friction between the two masses in the fracture or fault area, especially if the friction area is large, reaching 3 or 6 meters.

The impact of friction increases when the fracture is in solid rocks or basalt, which results in high heat and flash, which is a natural thing after the fracture occurs, in addition to hearing a sound similar to an explosion as a result of this fracture.

This light or flash is not in all earthquakes, but it is according to the area where the earthquake occurred, in areas where the refraction is in layers "silt" It does not produce this light, but is only associated with solid rock and movement on either side of the fault.

This light is electric charges due to refraction and friction, but it is only related to the time of earthquakes.

This light may be seen before the sound of the fracture or explosion is heard, due to the speed of the light, which exceeds the speed of sound.

water receding

The phenomenon of water receding in some coasts of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. It is most likely linked to the occurrence of earthquakes for two reasons:

  • The first reason: the recession appeared in this way after the occurrence of earthquakes.
  • The other reason: that in cases of tides, in the case of tides, the water returns to normal, and we are not used to tides in this way in our beaches.

The citizens who live in these coastal areas did not witness this phenomenon in this way, according to their statements.

The coming days will decide the matter, in the event that the phenomenon is linked to"carrots"It is normal for the water to return to normal again.

If the water does not return again, then it is definitely related to the earthquakes, because the earthquakes caused hundreds and thousands of cracks.

These cracks are at a depth of 18 kilometers, and waves from them extend downward, in all directions, which may be the reason for the receding of the water.

Aftershocks may last for months or years in the form of tremors ranging between 2 or 5 degrees as a result of the faults that occurred, until the layers return to normal.

Turkey is currently exposed to 50 chasms almost daily, and these aftershocks are the result of the faults that occurred, and it will remain for a while until it reaches stability.


Also, a number of mysterious phenomena associated with the earthquake still cause anxiety and fears, the most prominent of which was the receding water, blue light, and “silt volcanoes”.

Dr. Abbas Sharqi, Professor of Geology and Water Resources at Cairo University, explains in an interview with “Sky News Arabia” the seriousness of the aftermath of the earthquake, and explains the causes of the mysterious phenomena.

Post-earthquake risks include some geological phenomena, including the appearance of faults, as there are faults that appeared after the earthquake in Turkey, and each fault includes two blocks on its sides, and these faults move with horizontal movements, which leads to the widening of the fault, and therefore we find that these faults lead to the division of roads .

These faults affect the road and railway networks, which are exposed to bends in the rails as a result of the blocks moving in reverse, each in one direction.

These faults are permanent changes. In agricultural lands, these faults may be filled with silt, but this does not mean that the fault has ended, but it remains present.

One of the problems caused by these faults is that it is not possible to build in the fault areas, and if construction is done on one side of the fault, it requires engineering specific building methods and specific concretes.

Fault areas are often likely to have displacements at any time or land subsidence, because these sides are subject to movement.

Buildings located in the fault areas or directly above the fault, even if they conform to the engineering standards or the earthquake code, are subject to destruction.

The application of seismic codes does not mean that buildings are not at risk of falling, because buildings located directly above the fault will fall, and therefore these codes reduce losses and do not prevent them.

It must also be emphasized that these faults are not caused by earthquakes, but are associated with large earthquakes, as happened in Turkey.

The Turkey earthquake caused huge faults and displacements, as the entire Anatolian block moved towards the Mediterranean about 8 meters. Without earthquakes, these blocks move from 2 to 3 centimeters every year.

These movements are through the existing faults, and therefore it is not true that the faults may heal because they increase, and in the event of new earthquakes, these faults become active again and increase in size.

Water leakage and reservoir dams

Other risks that arise after earthquakes are related to groundwater, because as a result of tremors and faults, groundwater leaks.

Leakage naturally affects the groundwater level, in addition to the repercussions that may fall on the dams’ reservoirs, and the bodies of the dams themselves may be damaged by the occurrence of cracks even if these cracks are not visible, due to the huge faults that may form underground.

These repercussions are the result of the change that occurs in the ground, but the epicenter of the earthquake may be located at a depth of 10 or 20 kilometers, and the epicenter of the earthquake causes seismic waves up and down.

This focus extends into the interior of the earth and sends waves in all directions, which affects the formation of the earth below, which causes many geological changes.

These changes are also reflected in oil and natural gas, as happened in Syria, where “craters” that resemble craters of volcanoes were seen.

The phenomenon that occurred in Syria is called “silt volcanoes”. They are not volcanoes in the known sense, but this phenomenon occurs as a result of the exit of gases from the ground.

These gases, on their way out, dissolve the rocks and produce dust that comes out of the crater mixed with certain solutions, which results in the formation of these small pits or eyes that rise centimeters on the surface of the earth and may reach half a meter or a meter at most.

What about blue light?

Blue light is a temporary phenomenon, and it is a flash that occurs only at the time of the earthquake, and is formed as a result of the fracture that occurs in the rock plates or layers.

The fracture that occurs causes severe friction between the two masses in the fracture or fault area, especially if the friction area is large, reaching 3 or 6 meters.

The impact of friction increases when the fracture is in solid rocks or basalt, which results in high heat and flash, which is a natural thing after the fracture occurs, in addition to hearing a sound similar to an explosion as a result of this fracture.

This light or flash does not occur in all earthquakes, but depends on the region in which the earthquake occurred. In areas where the refraction is in “silt” layers, this light is not produced, but is only associated with solid rocks and movement on both sides of the faults.

This light is electric charges due to refraction and friction, but it is only related to the time of earthquakes.

This light may be seen before the sound of the fracture or explosion is heard, due to the speed of the light, which exceeds the speed of sound.

water receding

The phenomenon of water receding in some coasts of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. It is most likely linked to the occurrence of earthquakes for two reasons:

  • The first reason: the recession appeared in this way after the occurrence of earthquakes.
  • The other reason: that in cases of tides, in the case of tides, the water returns to normal, and we are not used to tides in this way in our beaches.

The citizens who live in these coastal areas did not witness this phenomenon in this way, according to their statements.

The coming days will decide the matter. In the event that the phenomenon is linked to the “islands”, it is only natural that the water will return to normal again.

If the water does not return again, then it is definitely related to the earthquakes, because the earthquakes caused hundreds and thousands of cracks.

These cracks are at a depth of 18 kilometers, and waves from them extend downward, in all directions, which may be the reason for the receding of the water.

Aftershocks may last for months or years in the form of tremors ranging between 2 or 5 degrees as a result of the faults that occurred, until the layers return to normal.

Turkey is currently exposed to 50 chasms almost daily, and these aftershocks are the result of the faults that occurred, and it will remain for a while until it reaches stability.

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