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Physicians will be protected from coronavirus by nicotine patches

In France, they plan to start testing nicotine patches as a means of preventing coronavirus infection. First of all, it is planned to try to protect medical workers. The French authorities prompted such a step by the unexpected results of several studies, which showed that among those who fell ill with COVID-19, there were significantly more non-smokers than smokers, writes The telegraph.

So, researchers from the Pasteur Institute tested almost 700 teachers and students of the school, as well as members of their families, in the town of Crepe-en-Valois, north of Paris, for coronavirus. Tests showed that among infected – smokers are four times less than non-smokers (7% and 28%, respectively). Another study conducted at the Paris Drink-Salpetrier Hospital showed similar results – among 350 patients hospitalized with COVID-19, whose average age was 65 years old, only 4.4% were smokers. Among those who were discharged home (average age 44 years), smokers were 5.3%. “Apparently, smoking is a protective factor when infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus,” the study concluded.

Scientists suggest that nicotinic acetylcholine receptors play a key role in the mechanism of penetration of coronavirus into cells, and nicotine protects these receptors from attack from the virus. In addition, nicotine prevents the development of an overreaction of the immune system to the virus, which is observed in severe cases of COVID-19 and can be fatal.

All this does not mean that you need to start smoking to protect against coronavirus, scientists warn. Numerous studies prove that smokers have a very high risk of severe complications with COVID-19. The fact is that the protective effect is observed only in nicotine, and in addition to this psychoactive substance, many other toxic substances are formed during smoking, which affect the respiratory tract and lungs, which are the main target of coronavirus.

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