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Oncological aesthetics, the great forgotten in cancer treatment protocols

Oncological aesthetics covers skin care both before and during and after cancer treatmenttaking into account the type of tumor, the stage, the treatment received by the patient – mostly women – and, of course, always under the supervision of your oncologist.

When a person undergoes an oncological process the treatments are so aggressive that they directly affect the physical state and consequently, this causes a personal impact and a social repercussion on the image of the person concerned, with a significant impact on the psychological part of the patient.

“In this hard process, treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy They also have side effects on the skin. such as extreme dehydration, reactive skin, dry lips, rashes, itching, sensitivity, hair loss… At this point, oncological aesthetics takes on value as an effective therapy to recover self-esteem and an alternative to avoid the impact produced by the side effects of anticancer therapies,” he says Vicky Moraledareference professional in oncological aesthetics and creator and director of the Master in Oncological Aesthetics.

It is very important to always go to qualified professionals in aesthetic oncology, ask for references and have a prior consultation. Both the techniques used and the cosmetics for cancer patients should restore the physiology of the skin i.e. soothe, calm, hydrate, nourish and protect depending on the skin manifestations during all phases of the treatment.

Oncological aesthetics help the skin to be more hydrated during medical treatment.Pixabay

“One of the most widely accepted therapeutic tools among patients is to corrective makeup, used to correct blemishes, pigment changes, reshape eyebrows and hide eyelash loss so that your skin looks natural and healthy,” Moraleda tells us.

“One of the myths to dispel is that massages are contraindicated during illness, as provided they are performed by a qualified person with adequate pressure, they can relieve pain-relieving postures; muscle aches and heaviness in the extremities as well as improving the emotional and mental state of the patient,” he clarifies. Of course, you should always consult your doctor.

Oncological aesthetics allows the patient’s skin to be in optimal condition to receive treatments provide comfort and well-being, as well as restore self-esteem, balance and confidence in the patient, which has a positive impact when it comes to coping with his illness. “Let us never forget that body, mind and spirit are united, and this now more than ever it’s time to take care of yourself“, To add.

Which patients require oncological aesthetics

While it is true that when a person is diagnosed with cancer, the first thing they think about is getting treated as soon as possible, it also happens that after a while when the physical changes start to have more presence in the patient’s life, Oncological aesthetics restores confidence and love for one’s body, providing emotional strength It has been scientifically proven that by minimizing these physical changes as much as possible, the patient faces cancer treatment with more strength, recovering self-confidence and improving their quality of life.

Most of them are women, although this specialty is still unknown and there is still a long way to go. “Many patients are still surprised why little did they know that there were specialists focused on skincare nor anything similar that could accompany them in this hard process. There is no information about it even in hospitals, so unless your usual beautician has this specialty or someone lets you know, they have no idea,” the expert tells us.

The most requested service is therapeutic make-up, which achieves a nice effect, simulates eyelashes and “gives them a more positive image, making them face everyday life better”.

Phases of oncological aesthetic treatment

PHASE 1. Before starting medical treatment. It’s time to prepare the skin, with comfortable treatments that give well-being and which, in a preventive way, improve its quality and appearance. “Cleansing and moisturizing are techniques that are performed in the cabin focused on skin care before cancer treatment. In case of eyelash and eyebrow loss, micropigmentation or microblading is recommended,” explains Moraleda.

Oncological aesthetics includes hydration or make-up treatments.Pixabay

PHASE 2. During the treatment. In this phase, a conservative and supportive treatment is carried out for each patient’s specific treatment. “Symptoms such as dryness, skin irritations, hair loss and facial hair on eyebrows and eyelashes begin to appear. We will carry out delicate treatments in the cabin to hydrate the skin, we will recommend a broad spectrum photoprotector and therapeutic make-up”, adds the expert.

It is about “providing support during illness and effective, personalized solutions to each patient for skin conditions is a winning combination that offers improvements in their overall health”. For all of this, professionals must have adequate training and be in direct contact with the oncology units of the medical centers to be able to work in line with the healthcare personnel. “This is one of the great shortcomings of health, the absence of protocols that incorporate the figure of the oncological beautician”

“Oncological aesthetic professionals do not have access to these units or areas, which prevents us from being able to treat cancer patients more comprehensively, minimizing the conditions caused by skin treatments and thus facilitating treatment adherence doctors that the patient receives, at the same time we improve the patient’s attitude towards the disease,” says the expert. Currently there are few hospitals that offer oncological aesthetic treatments to their patients and most do it through voluntary work.

PHASE 3. After medical treatment after discharge. “Assess the state of the skin and, when the time comes after the hard process, balance the skin and revitalize it, using essential vitamins,” he concludes.

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