Munich (dpa) – In the discussions about a return of spectators at the European Football Championship, Munich’s Mayor Dieter Reiter does not want any preferential treatment for vaccinated people. The issue must be discussed in a larger debate beyond football, said the SPD politician after UEFA confirmed for four games in the Allianz Arena. Theoretically, it is conceivable that vaccinated fans will be preferred for safety reasons when allocating the stands. But Reiter said: “It would probably be a difficult political signal if, of all things, the first exceptions for vaccinated people were made now for viewers of football games.”
Reiter added that the European Championship did not have any priority in this regard compared to everyday life, which was already massively impaired in the Corona crisis. Should people who have been vaccinated for the soccer climax get special rights, “Munich residents would be surprised and would just as much like children to be able to go to school again, that the catering trade is open and that the retail trade is open,” said the politician.
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