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Note, 10 foods for diabetics

SAMARIND, iNews.idFood for sick diabetes important to know to maintain a healthy body. Consuming too many foods high in sugar can be fatal for diabetics.

Diabetics have many dietary restrictions so that blood sugar levels remain normal.

While foods high in sugar aren’t good for diabetics, that doesn’t mean diabetics can’t eat foods that contain sugar.

However, it must be in the right dose and not too often.

The following foods for diabetics:

1. Green vegetables

Diabetics are advised to eat foods that are low in carbohydrates, such as kale and spinach. These foods are low in calories and highly nutritious.

In addition to being low in carbohydrates, green vegetables also contain vitamin C and are a good source of minerals. According to some studies, diabetics have lower vitamin C levels than normal people.

2. Fish

It is a source of protein that can work to regulate blood sugar levels. Fish that are good for diabetics, or those that contain omega 3 fatty acids, such as trout, salmon, tuna and mackerel.

While fish has many benefits for diabetics, be sure to process it properly, such as cooking it or turning it into soup. Avoid cooking fish by frying it or cooking it with coconut milk.

3. Nuts

Nuts are foods rich in fiber and protein, so they are very suitable for consumption by diabetics to be used as snacks or food preparations.

Furthermore, peanuts also include foods that have a fairly low glycemic index. Different types of nuts that can be consumed by diabetics namely walnuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios.

4. Count

Egg consumption has many health benefits. Eggs are high in fat and low in carbohydrates, so they’re good for diabetics.

Additionally, eggs can also increase insulin which plays a role in controlling blood sugar levels in the body

Publisher: Divine Grace

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