Home » today » World » North korea destroyed the liaison office inter-Korean in a border city, according to ministry south Korean | News Univision

North korea destroyed the liaison office inter-Korean in a border city, according to ministry south Korean | News Univision

North korea made to fly through the air this Tuesday the liaison office with the Southin the border city of Kaesong, reported the ministry of Unification, in Seoul, after days of criticism and threats from Pyongyang, according to reports by news agencies.

“North korea blew up the office of Kaesong to the 14h49” local, said in a terse message to the press by the ministry, which is responsible for relations between the two Koreas. Shortly before, the news agency south Korean Yonhap reported the explosion and an intense smoke that came out of the industrial complex where is located this office.

Photos taken by people who reside close to the border, and published by the agency Yonhap show smoke coming from the place where stood the above-mentioned installation.

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Kim Yo-jong, sister of north Korean leader Kim Jong Unsaid a few days ago North korea demolishing / the “useless” liaison office inter-Korean in the border city of Kaesongand that would let the army decide the next step in the retaliation against South Korea.

Hours before you know the blasting of the liaison office, inter-Korean, the Army north korea had threatened to return to areas which were demilitarized as part of a peace agreement for the peninsula, increasing tension between the two Koreas, in the midst of the stagnation of the nuclear negotiations with the government of the united States.

The general staff of the people’s Army of Korea said that it was reviewing a recommendation by the ruling party to move to border areas in specific that had been demilitarized in accordance with South korea.

The propaganda media in Pyongyang said Tuesday that the army of north korea is “fully prepared” to act against South Korea in a further escalation of verbal on the peninsula.

“Our army keeping a close watch on the current situation in which north-south relations get worse and worse , and is preparing to provide military support to any measure external to be made by the party and the government” he said before the State Increased.

He added that it is studying a “plan of action for taking measures for the army to reocupe areas that had been demilitarized by the agreement (north-south), to become the front line in a fortress and reinforce military surveillance” against the southin accordance with the statement transmitted by the official news agency of North Korea.

Since the beginning of this month, North Korea multiplies the criticisms against your neighbor, especially against the absconding north koreans from the South send advertising leaflets to the north beyond the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).

Last week the north Korean regime announced the closure of its channels of political communication and the military with the “enemy” of south korea.

The leaflets, often launched balloons into north Korean territory, or inside of bottles thrown into the river that marks the border, often contain criticism of Kim Jong un in the field of ou can resume economic projects sets due to the sanctions imposed by the united States.

The South also remains vigilant

South Korean Armed Forces have also reinforced the surveillance, said on Tuesday the Defence minister, Jeong Kyeon-doo, to the root of the message issued at the weekend by the North.

During a seminar held in Seoul, Jeong pointed out that the tension in the peninsula is “extremely high” and that the army is aware of “any possible situation”, in reference to what was said on Saturday by the influential sister of Kim Jong un.

The minister said, in statements that sets out the agency Yonhap, South Korea has deployed assets advanced recently acquired, as fighter stealth F-35A and drones Global Hawk, in response to the threat.

For his part, the spokesman of the Ministry of Defense, Kim Jun-rak, said at a news conference that the South is “closely monitoring the military movements in north korea,” and added that “for the moment”, have not been detected unusual activities.

Condemn nuclear test by North Korea


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