Since it was launched on digital platforms in May, ‘Nimbo’ has been playing on stations such as Radio 3 (National Radio of Spain) and has become the topic of the month in Radio Catalunya. Too The 40 has dedicated a space and in MTV Spain Some of the video clips that accompany the themes of this work are broadcast, which, by the way, are the work of the Ibizan, who is professionally dedicated to audiovisual production. In Spotify, he adds, the album accumulates “more than 50,000 listens and many of them come from Mexico.” Not bad at all considering that for Slim Samurai music is just a hobby.
Although the label that has been put on the musical style of ‘Nimbo’ is urban indie, Slim Samurai, playing with the title of the album, prefers to talk about “Pop from the clouds” to refer to its sound. “It is bright music that tries to convey good vibes,” explains the artist, whose first musical steps were in rap and hip hop. In ‘Nimbo’ there are collaborations of many artists because Slim Samurai is clear that “art gains much more when you collaborate.” The ibicenco Omar Alcaide He is one of the collaborators, but other names such as the singer also stand out Lildami.
The idea of making ‘Nimbo’ came two months before the coronavirus crisis broke out and the work was developed during the pandemic with Taurus in Barcelona and Slim Samurai in Ibiza. The versatile artist, who has settled on the island, anticipates that in September he will work with Tauro again and that this year he will be collaborating with another Ibizan, Always greeted.
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