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(New York) Polémique autour d’un rassemblement de juifs orthodoxes en pleine pandémie à New York : le maire a répété mercredi que ce genre d’évènements serait sévèrement sanctionné, et s’est défendu de toute discrimination après avoir dénoncé une manifestation « inacceptable » de la communauté juive à l’heure du coronavirus.
Publié le 29 avril 2020 à 10h16
Mis à jour à 12h55
Selon le démocrate Bill de Blasio et le patron de la police new-yorkaise Dermot Shea, ils étaient « des milliers » de juifs orthodoxes à s’être pressés mardi sur une grande avenue du quartier de Williamsburg pour rendre hommage à un célèbre rabbin décédé du coronavirus. Ces rassemblements posthumes font partie de la tradition de la communauté hassidique.
Dans une série de tweets mardi soir, M. de Blasio a vivement critiqué la manifestation, allant même sur place avec des policiers pour veiller à sa dispersion.
« Il s’est passé quelque chose d’absolument inacceptable à Williamsburg ce soir […] a large gathering in the midst of a pandemic, ”wrote the mayor.
Above all, he threatened with sanctions “the Jewish community” – which is some 1.1 million strong in New York, one of the largest Jewish communities in the world – and “all communities” who violate assembly bans. .
“The time for warnings has passed. I asked the police to issue tickets, even to stop those who gather in large groups. It’s about stopping the disease and saving lives, ”he tweeted.
This emphasis on “the Jewish community,” against the backdrop of recent escalation of anti-Semitic acts in New York and the United States, has earned him fierce criticism.
The Orthodox Jewish Council for Public Affairs (OJPAC) notably argued that further violations of the distancing rules appeared tolerated, citing the example of groups of New Yorkers who followed Navy and Navy squadrons on Tuesday. air force came to fly over the city in tribute to the caregivers.
“All New Yorkers must practice social distancing, which makes the mayor’s action so bizarre on a day when it was nowhere respected,” the organization said.
Politicians have also stepped up, like Republican Senator Ted Cruz.
“Would Mayor De Blasio have sent an identical tweet, with the word” Jewish “replaced by another religious minority? »He launched on Twitter. “Laws must be enforced, without targeting a religion.”
Asked about these criticisms during a press briefing, Mr. de Blasio said he spoke “with passion, emotion” as he was shocked by this gathering.
He said he was “sorry” if he hurt some and said he had a lot of “love” for the Jewish community. But he added that he had “no regrets for pointing out the danger” and for having warned that he would be “very severe” on this issue.
When asked about claims by community officials that the rally was authorized by police, Dermot Shea remained vague, but he too warned that his men would not “tolerate” large gatherings.