Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – TNI soldiers and Polri members are planned to first move to the new capital city following the completion of the Draft Law on the State Capital (IKN) which was prepared by the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.
“If we build it, of course, it can’t be done immediately like magic. For physical development there are steps. If you want to move, we are preparing these steps. In our master plan, we also reach 2045,” explained Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa when met at his office, Thursday (2/9/).
“As soon as we can go, we will go. We have arrived at land development, we have planted seeds, we have seeded. It’s just a matter of how we will finance and build,” he added.
Even so, he cannot confirm whether President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)’s dream to hold a ceremony for the 79th Indonesian Independence Day at IKN can only be realized or not.
“Whether or not this government can start in 2024 is still a question, in a situation like this (the Covid-19 pandemic). However, we are still on the right track,” he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy for National Development or Bappenas Regional Bappenas, Rudy Soeprihadi Prawiradinata said the IKN development plan to East Kalimantan is currently still adjusting to the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Rudy said the IKN transfer plan was adjusted to the latest Covid-19 pandemic conditions, said Rudy according to the direction of President Jokowi. One thing is clear at this time the IKN Transfer Bill has been completed and is ready to be submitted to the DPR.
Although currently the transfer of IKN is not in the 2022 RAPBN, the Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme is the most likely thing to do.
In the meeting of the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas with the Indonesian House of Representatives on Wednesday (1/9/2021), the transfer of civil servants to IKN has been prepared through capital expenditures for the 2022 fiscal year. According to Rudy, this is a preparatory study.
“That’s a preparatory study, right? The transfer will only be in 2023, the first to move are the TNI and Polri to ensure security. […] We are 2024 August (state ceremony), we are already tight. So we have to prioritize again, the important thing is that the government can run. That’s the preparation,” explained Rudy.
Rudy explained that if the IKN Transfer Bill could be ratified immediately, it would not be unimaginable that in 2022 a government office and the Presidential Palace could be built.
But once again, said Rudy, everything depends on the transmission conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic nationally.
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