Home » today » Health » Myth or Fact? These are the benefits of omega-3s, ranging from reducing the risk of cancer to depression

Myth or Fact? These are the benefits of omega-3s, ranging from reducing the risk of cancer to depression

GALAMEDIA – Often hear Omega-3? Yes, Omega-3 often referred to as super rich with ingredients benefits. So that many drug and supplement companies on the market claim that their products contain omega-3s.

Then sold at a high price. It’s just not all things that are claimed to be benefits omega-3 has been tested clinically. Fish oil that is sold in the market generally contains two types of omega 3, namely docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentanoic acid (EPA).

Apart from these two substances, there is also alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which the body will process into omega-3 fatty acids.

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Quoted by Galamedia from various sources, not only from fish oil supplements, omega-3 can also be obtained from egg yolks (either raw or cooked eggs), seafood (such as crab and fish, such as tuna, salmon, and tuna), and some types of vegetable oils, nuts and seeds. These foods are consumed in a special diet called the Mediterranean diet.

Uncovering the Facts of the Benefits Omega-3
Food ingredients and supplements containing omega-3 are often believed to be sources that help fight health problems, such as heart disease, prevent dementia, and play an important role in fetal development. Omega-3 also good for consumption as nutritional intake to improve sperm quality.

However, several studies that concluded the above, were not carried out with the right mechanism. For example, the number of samples that do not meet the requirements and the observation time is too short.

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The following are some of the claims and facts regarding omega-3s.

1. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease
A series of studies found that consumption of fish containing high fish oil can indeed reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce the risk of stroke. In addition, regular consumption of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce triglyceride levels in the blood.

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