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Multicolored spiders take the southern United States in their webs

A species of spider, unknown in the United States, is multiplying in Georgia and in others in the southern States.

It all started in Georgia. Scientists have spotted, in 2014, the presence of a spider hitherto unknown in this southern state: the Trichonephila clavata or Jorō spider, a species that is only found in Southeast Asia, in particular in Japan and Korea. With long thin legs, it can reach ten centimeters in diameter and is characterized by bright colors where predominates the young. At first, it was only very sporadically reported by people in Georgia who were surprised and a little scared to come across such an unusual spider.

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Seven years later the situation has changed a lot. Worse. They are now millions and weave on the State immense fabrics which cover dwellings, electric poles, porches, letter boxes etc. A gardener claims to have killed more than 300 in a few weeks. Rick Hoebeke, from the Natural History Museum of Georgia, was able to trace the beginnings of this disturbing colonization: “Our hypothesis is that it arrived in a container and landed somewhere on the highway that crosses the Braselton region. They are very good walkers, able to cover long distances. ”

And they prove it: the Jorō spider has started to spread to neighboring states, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida and Alabama. The invasion has only just begun … Fortunately, this newcomer is not dangerous for humans, except for arachnophobes. On the other hand, like most invasive species, it constitutes a real threat, for its endemic congeners that it could supplant.

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