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Most Vulnerable to Have Corona, This is the Important Key to Keeping the Elderly Healthy

VIVA – In this new normal era, it is not only our physical and mental health that must be maintained. More attention should be paid to the mental and physical health of our parents at home. How do we support us to take care of our parents or the elderly stay healthy?

Since 2000, Indonesia has become aging society with the number of elderly population (elderly) more than 7 percent. A study projects that the number of elderly people will increase from around 20 million (around 9 percent) in 2019 to nearly 20 percent of the total population in 2045.

The aging process is a sure thing that happens naturally. This process can end up being a successful, ordinary aging process, or being in a condition with various physical and mental illnesses that require the help of others in carrying out daily activities.

Also Read: The Importance of Calcium for the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Elderly with a successful aging process, not only means that they are physically and mentally healthy, but also have the ability to have physical activity, good thinking power, interpersonal relationships / social interactions, as well as a productive life.

Successful aging process
Efforts towards elderly people with a successful aging process should start early by adopting a healthy lifestyle, consuming a balanced healthy nutritional intake, and regular physical exercise. When you become an elderly person, tips for staying healthy in old age that can be a guide are HAPPY, namely maintaining body weight, managing a balanced diet, avoiding risk factors, so that it remains useful to develop hobbies, regular exercise, increased faith and piety, and monitor health periodically.

According to the Internal Medicine Specialist, Geriatric Consultant, Pondok Indah Hospital – Bintaro Jaya Dr. dr. Purwita Wijaya Laksmi, Sp.PD-KGer, in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new order (new normal), the elderly need to be given an adequate understanding of these conditions in language. which is easy to understand.
All age groups are at risk for infection with COVID-19, but the elderly are at a higher risk of infection and death from COVID-19. This is because the aging process in the immune system makes the immune system relatively lower. In addition, the elderly generally have various chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, decreased kidney function, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which increase the risk of disease complications.

“The main key for the elderly to stay healthy in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic and the new order (new normal) is to stay at home accompanied by the implementation of 5 Guard and 5 Enough,” said Dr. Laksmi.

The following are the main keys for healthy elderly people during the corona pandemic:

Keep a distance
Do your best to keep at least 1 meter physical distance from other people. Avoid touching other people, including shaking hands, and stay away from sick people. Families and relatives who are sick with the flu are expected not to have contact with the elderly because they are afraid that they will transmit the virus they are carrying.

Family members or caregivers who have to move out of the house and live in the same house as the elderly are obliged to carry out health protocols every time they return home (for example, not sitting / touching things at home before bathing and shampooing, washing clothes used outside the home at the first opportunity. , etc.), always keep your distance, and keep wearing a mask even at home.

Our facial expressions will be difficult to recognize when using masks and can cause misperception by the elderly, so when communicating, we need to prioritize non-verbal language. The position of the interlocutor is in the field of view of the elderly with the closest safe distance, maintaining eye contact, talking with the other person’s eyes, leaning towards the other person, and maintaining the correct intonation and volume of voice are necessary to show seriousness in listening and prevent it from occurring. communication breakdown.

Keep clean and healthy
Apply a clean and healthy lifestyle by diligently washing your hands with soap and water or a hand sanitizer. Keep regularly taking medication as directed by your doctor and basking in the morning sun. Patients who are seeking treatment for the first time need to consult a doctor face-to-face, whereas for routine control, it is preferred to use the telemedicine method of doctor-patient consultation at the selected hospital.

However, immediately come to the hospital for treatment if you experience serious health complaints, such as chest pain, tightness, constant fever, decreased food intake, feeling tired (fatigue) all the time, and suddenly have difficulty awakening or difficulty communicating. It is necessary to be aware that the clinical symptoms of infection in the elderly can be atypical, including in cases of COVID-19 infection. Complaints of fever may not be found. Complaints that occur can be in the form of not appetite, looking sluggish / tired (fatigue), smelling disorders, becoming wet, falling, or changes in consciousness (such as gibberish, restlessness). If these conditions exist in the elderly, they must be taken to a doctor immediately.

Whenever an elderly companion helps the elderly with activities of daily life (such as eating, bathing, dressing, dressing, and moving), he must first use a mask and wash his hands. It is advisable for the companion to maintain a safe distance from the elderly and limit the duration of time when it comes to direct close contact.

If the elderly are forced to go out of the house (for example doing a drive thru laboratory examination at the hospital), be motivated and always monitor them to always wear a mask properly, for example by completely covering the mouth and nose area while outdoors.

Maintain social contact
Stay away from crowds, gatherings, and social activities such as social gathering, reunions, recreation, shopping, and so on. Even though you cannot interact physically directly, maintain social contact with family and relatives through mobile communication tools. Nowadays, recreational activities can be done virtually, such as watching puppets and traveling virtually. Avoid visiting guests to the house, but if you are forced to visit, you are required to wear a mask, maintain personal hygiene, and keep your distance.

Take care of your emotions
It is very important that in this concerned condition we remain optimistic and anticipate all future possibilities. Encourage or accompany the elderly to do fun activities at home.

Take care of spirituality / worship
The elderly continue to carry out worship according to the beliefs held at home. Religious activities such as attending religious lectures, the Koran, worship services, and others can still be followed virtually. Maintaining worship will have a positive impact on peace of mind. The spiritual approach keeps us grateful in any condition and believes that there is always a wisdom behind every problem.

Enough nutritional intake
Ensure adequate nutritional intake and maintain good oral hygiene. Balanced nutritional intake by paying attention to the adequacy of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The type and consistency of food is adjusted to the medical condition, ability to eat, chew, and swallow, and the preferences of the elderly.

The family also needs to pay attention to daily drinking intake because there is a decrease in the perception of thirst in the elderly. The elderly become less drinking because they are not thirsty. Therefore, families need to provide understanding so that the elderly keep drinking even though they do not feel thirsty and explain the amount of drinking water according to daily needs (about 30 milliliters / kilogram of body weight per day for elderly people who medically do not need to limit fluid intake due to kidney or heart disease. or other diseases with a tendency to fluid overload).

Enough physical activity
Even though you cannot freely do activities outside the home, you should still do regular physical exercise at home. Physical exercise can also be done together with fellow sports groups or seminarians virtually.

Get enough sleep
Make sure the elderly can get enough rest, and achieve adequate quality and quantity of sleep, which is about 6-8 hours a day or more.

Enough supplies
Ensure the availability of routine medicines and daily necessities at home. Purchases can be assisted by the family / caregiver or ordered online.

Enough attention
Attention from the surrounding environment, especially family, is needed by the elderly. Family is an important source of love, motivation / encouragement, assistance, and social interaction.

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