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Mortality from prostate cancer

Poza Rica, Ver.- Although there are several men who suffer from prostate cancer, the lack of information on the subject has generated that there is no culture of health care, so according to Yenisek Delhi Cortés Vázquez , a urologist at the General Hospital of zone No. 11, it is necessary for men to go to a clinic so that they can be constantly checked.

Within the framework of the Comprehensive Men’s Health Month, Cortés Vázquez said that the objective of this is to sensitize men that they should adopt a culture of health care and in this way be able to make the timely arrest of different diseases, mainly cancer of the prostate, testicle or penis.

In an interview he commented that many times it is detected when the disease is already advanced, so that they cannot be given a curative treatment, but only palliation, since both prostate cancer, testicle-penis are diseases that can be cured, it is for this reason, the importance of men going to health authorities so that they can be checked and have a medical history.

He indicated that the lack of information on these diseases has a lot to do with the fact that men do not take it as important as it is, since there is currently a lot of information on breast cancer, self-examination and pap smears, but the information on it is minimal. prostate cancer, so it is important to prevent patients from arriving with advanced diseases.

The urologist emphasized that the disease shows some symptoms when it is already advanced, but there are some “red lights” that allow us to know that something in the patient’s body is wrong.

In the case of prostate cancer, the stream of urine is less forceful, the patient constantly goes to the bathroom, the stream slows down or the man cannot empty completely, so in case of having these symptoms they should go to the doctor to be evaluated.

In the case of the testicle or penis, self-examination is important, in the event that they find an increase in volume in the testicle or lesions on the penis such as an ulcer or some granite, with that it is enough for them to go to be evaluated by a specialist health and rule out that it is some other pathology.

He pointed out that there is no risk factor as such, but it does have to do with ethnicity, it can be hereditary, if the father, mother or some other relative had cancer, this can be a factor by which the patient may suffer from this disease and age, since the higher the age, the greater the risk, so it is recommended that the man can modify some actions to prevent, such as lifestyle, decrease or withdrawal of tobacco, alcohol, a good diet, as well as physical activity.

He invited all the beneficiaries to go to the PrevenIMSS module, where they can attend an assessment and undergo the corresponding examinations to know the risk they have for prostate cancer, as well as use the ‘Chécate’ application, in where the person provides the information requested and accordingly gives a risk index. The most important thing is that all males over 45 are constantly being evaluated.

By Ángel Scagno Castillo

Photo Carolina Bonilla Segura

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