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More than useful.. What happens to the body if you eat a cup of cinnamon daily?

Cinnamon is a spice made from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree. It is one of the common spices used in preparing many dishes in the kitchen, from main courses to desserts and even some drinks.

Cinnamon is divided into two types: Cassia: also called “regular” cinnamon, which is the most common variety, and Ceylon: known as “true” cinnamon, it has a milder and less bitter taste.
Cassia cinnamon is more commonly found in supermarkets, since it is much cheaper than Ceylon cinnamon.

Here are the health benefits of cinnamon, according to Healthline.

1- They help control blood sugar, protect against heart disease, and reduce inflammation.

2- Rich in antioxidants, it protects against cancer, and contains a high percentage of cinnamaldehyde, which is believed to be responsible for most of the health benefits according to the US Medical Center.

3- It may have anti-insomnia properties and also helps to help it respond to infections and symptoms of tissue damage.

It has been scientifically proven that consuming cinnamon at a rate of only 1 gram on a daily basis led to:

Reducing the percentage of triglycerides by between 23% and 30%, and the strange thing is that this effect continued even after stopping eating cinnamon for a period of 20 days.

Reducing total cholesterol from the body by between 12 and 26%.

Reducing sugar from the body by a rate ranging from 18% to 29%.

Reducing harmful cholesterol from the body by a rate ranging from 7 to 27%.

Cinnamon also has many health and therapeutic uses, as it helps the human body to stimulate the mind and resist tumors and microbes. It is also useful in treating diarrhea, as it is an antiseptic.

I used:

1- Drink it as a regular drink with a delicious taste.

2- You can also add it to a cup of milk.

3- You can even drizzle some of it on some of your desserts.

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