Home » today » News » Look at the sky! A unique show of the planets makes wishes come true – 2024-09-07 18:10:48

Look at the sky! A unique show of the planets makes wishes come true – 2024-09-07 18:10:48

Do you have a secret desire! Look at the sky tonight, think about it and it will most likely come true. Since ancient times, people have believed that the celestial phenomena associated with the location of the planets brings energy that helps people.

Just such a unique show of the planets will take place this night. Saturn will be most clearly visible on the night of September 8. Early Sunday morning, the planet will be at its closest point in its orbit to Earth.

On September 8 at 7:35 a.m. Bulgarian time, the planet Saturn will be in the so-called opposition (or opposition) to the Sun, explained Pencho Markishki, a physicist from the Astronomy Department of the Physics Faculty of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and from the Institute of Astronomy with NAO at BAS.

In addition to the fact that every outer planet – from Mars to the last one in the solar system – is closest to Earth during its opposition, it is also logically the brightest and with the largest angular diameter, explained Markishki. Then again, the respective opposing planet is observed throughout the nights.

“In this case, the best night this year to observe Saturn will be the night of September 8, but since the ringed planet moves slowly in the constellation of Aquarius, it is conveniently visible from early July and will continue to be easily visible until around the end of September. On the morning of September 8, Saturn will be at a distance of 1,295,229,080 kilometers from Earth, after which the planet will slowly begin to move away,” the physicist said.

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