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LinkedIn launches Virtual Events | OnlineMarketing.de

LinkedIn is launching two new functions, joining the clubhouse phenomenon. It remains to be seen what effects this will have on the future of digital events.

Jake Poses, Project Manager at LinkedIn, recently announced that a new beta version was being launched for Creator Mode. Similar to Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and Facebook Live Audio Rooms, it should now be possible to hold virtual events on the business platform. After Audio Rooms experienced an overwhelming hype last year, LinkedIn would like to make the trend feature available to the masses soon after the test phase. When exactly the update will be available for all users has not yet been announced.

Sneak-Peak in LinkedIn 2.0

The platform sees events as a special opportunity to make professional contacts. You should be able to interact with other participants as well as with the speakers. Poses sums it up like this:

Events have long been a way for professionals to build community, learn new things, and find inspiration. At a time when many of us are working in hybrid or virtual environments, we´re longing for these moments of connection more than ever.

The focus is initially on audio and video events. Compared to LinkedIn live broadcasts, you should be able to interact with other listeners as well as be invited to the virtual stage. Overall, the new feature tries to imitate the individual components of real events. This will soon create an event feeling in the living room too.


Increasing users: internal numbers

In view of the fact that on LinkedIn already 150 percent more virtual live events were stopped than last year, the LinkedIn virtual events seem to fall on fertile ground. The participation rate also rose by 231 percent last year, certainly also due to the pandemic.

Are you interested in LinkedIn? Here you can read all about paid events on LinkedIn again.

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