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Kathy Hochul visits the victims of the New York subway shooting | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the qr code you are seeingright now on your screen.I return with you to the study.adriana: alexander, manythank you mostvictims of this mass shootingwere transferred to asunset park hospital, and therest to another hospital.filippo ferretti talk to usabout the educational condition ofthose affected and on aimportant visit thatreceived tonight.Filippo: good night,we arrived at the hospital inbrooklyn.today they received the victimsof the subway shooting ismorning.tonight the governor arrivedaffected people.there were at least 29people who were injuredin the shooting this morning inbrooklyn.validated.women and seven men,received medical attentiondue to smoke inhalationand attacks of nico.most of these weretransferred to the hospital.tonight they will remain incondition fivepersons.while most haveable to return home.tonight, the governorhochul saw victimshospitalized.as the president ate,who will have to stayunder medical care areminors between 12 and 18years they went to schoolwhen the train broke outnico.in the hospital they arecaring for two patientshave been shot in aleg, also a young man of 16years.that’s how i explain tonightThis doctor underwent asurgery for having received abullet in hand the impactdestroyed nerves and tendons.there, emphasized the doctor, is amiracle that I’m alive and I knowhope he recovers soon.the authorities have notrevealed details about theidentity of the victims, butat the time no one was indanger of death.the youngest patient seenin this hospital today

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