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Kate Middleton rescues her daughter Charlotte’s christening coat

Every April 25, Australia and New Zealand honor their fallen soldiers in the ANZAC day, a national date that also unites the rest of the Commonwealth countries and annually brings together the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Westminster Abbey for a religious service. As usual, Kate has shown off her classic style, but it is not just any look. has recovered a coat that connects her with her daughter Charlotte and earrings inherited from her mother-in-lawDiana of Wales, extolling the value of the family in A day to remember.

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Does her latest look look familiar to you? The Duchess of Cambridge opens her most exclusive dressing room

A ‘binomial’ look that brings back beautiful memories

For this religious service, Kate has opted for solemnity that could only contribute one of his most beloved coat pieces, this Alexander McQueen white design which starred in the baptism of Princess Charlotte, another sacred ceremony. It is a coat with wide lapels, a marked waist and knee-length that the Duchess has decided to combine with her clutch in black suede, by Jenny Packham, and pumps in the same fabric, by Gianvito Rossi.


Her most special coat and earrings from Diana of Wales

On July 5, 2015the British Royal Family gathered at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham to commemorate the first sacrament of princess charlotte, an appointment in which the Duchess of Cambridge premiered this piece of coat, one of her favorites. She took it back during the traditional event Trooping de Colour 2016 and, a year later, on an Official Visit to Belgium.


Her accessories for this occasion, however, are far from those she wore almost seven years ago, but they are just as significant. We talked, first of all, about the iconic Collingwood earringswhich were a gift from Prince Charles to Diana of Wales in the months leading up to their wedding in 1981. A design by small diamonds with pearl teardrop pendant that Guillermo’s mother carried over and over again until her death.


Guest alert! A new headdress in her dressing room

Despite the powerful anecdote behind these crown earrings, it has stood out above all her new headbandJane Taylor’s Calypso halo, crafted in tweed British white, in tune with his suit. The rear detail is especially surprising. an elegant black bow reminiscent of the winter headdresses of ancient European monarchs.

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