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It’s worth a try, this is how to shrink a distended stomach in women

Own bloated stomach already like a nightmare for some women. A fat stomach will certainly affect a person’s appearance. In addition, it can trigger the arrival of various chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

The ideal body is everyone’s dream, especially women. However, not a few women who unknowingly carry out various activities that can actually cause a distended stomach, such as lazy to exercise, stress, lack of sleep, to consuming alcohol.

In addition, a distended stomach can also be caused by sex hormones, increasing age, menopause, the presence of bacteria in the intestines, and poor posture.

How to Shrink a Flat Stomach in Women

How to shrink a distended stomach in women can be done in various ways. However, this requires a strong will and consistency to do so.

quote Hellosehat and various other sources, here are some ways to shrink a distended stomach in women.

1. Exercise regularly

It’s no secret, exercising regularly can support physical and mental health, including shrinking a distended stomach.

In addition to burning fat, regular exercise can also increase muscle mass. This makes the body burn more calories while reducing the accumulation of fat in the stomach.

The type of exercise that is suitable for shrinking the stomach is cardio, such as running, cycling, or rowing. In addition, this type of exercise can be healthy for the heart.

2. Maintain Calorie Intake

How to shrink a distended stomach in women can be done by adjusting calorie intake daily with their respective energy needs. Citing the US Department of Agriculture, women aged 31-50 years need about 1,800-2,200 calories per day. It depends on the level of each activity.

After knowing the need for calorie intake, the next step is to reduce the amount of intake in order to shrink the distended stomach. The first step that can be taken is to reduce high-calorie foods, such as offal, fatty meats, and fried foods.

To find out your daily calorie needs, there are several calorie calculators that can be found on the internet. In addition, this can be done in consultation with a personal doctor or nutritionist.

3. Eat Foods Rich in Soluble Protein and Fiber

This method is an alternative to shrink the stomach which is quite often recommended. A number of studies have proven that soluble fiber can keep a person full longer.

Not only that, soluble fiber can also reduce the number of calories absorbed by the body and prevent the addition of belly fat. Some high-fiber foods, including broccoli, avocado, nuts, carrots, guava, oats, apples, and many more.

In addition to fiber, protein can help reduce belly fat. According to research, people who eat more protein tend to have less belly fat. Paying attention to protein intake can increase metabolism and control one’s appetite.

4. Get Enough Rest

Rest or sleep sometimes it sounds trivial to some people. However, this mandatory human activity actually has many benefits, including in terms of shrinking a distended stomach.

A study has shown that people who sleep 6-7 hours per day are proven to have less visceral fat (fat hidden around the abdominal cavity) than people who sleep less than five hours a day.

5. Reduce Sugar and Salt

Some people consume more sugar than the body needs. In fact, the rest of the sugar in the body will be stored as fat which can cause a distended stomach.

Launching the Regulation of the Minister of Health, the recommended sugar consumption per day is 10% of total energy (200kcal) or the equivalent of four tablespoons or 50 grams per day.

Try to read nutrition labels on food packaging. The sugar in these food products is usually listed with the suffix ‘ose’, such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, and so on.

In addition to sugar, reducing salt consumption can help shrink a distended stomach. Because, when consuming sodium, the body will retain fluids in the body. So, reducing salt intake can hydrate the body.

6. Reduce Alcohol

Have a drink alcohol excess can threaten health. Several studies have shown that consuming too much alcohol can cause belly fat to accumulate.

7. Avoid Stress

Stress can affect health. Managing and avoiding stress can also be an alternative to reduce belly fat in women. It’s important to find ways to manage stress to help stop the cycle of storing more belly fat.

Both men and women both experience stress and produce cortisol. However, a 2009 Swedish study found that levels of certain types of cortisol were significantly higher in women.

8. Fluid Consumption

Drinking water, juice, or low-salt soup at breakfast can make the body feel full longer. This can prevent overeating and fat accumulation in the stomach.

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