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Is it true that young coconut water, salt, and lime can overcome the corona virus? All pages

KOMPAS.com – Information about the ingredients of various ingredients to deal with the corona virus continues to circulate.

Various herbal medicines or certain ingredients that are said to be effective for Covid-19 sufferers are spreading on social media and conversation applications.

One of them, which has been circulating recently, chain messages regarding a mixture of young coconut water, salt, and lime juice which is said to kill the corona virus in just 1 hour.

The following is the complete content of the chain message:

Please help inform our brothers who have contracted Covid 19 ..
This is a medicine given by God that is easy to get which is very effective …

???? 1 young coconut water
???? 1 lime seeds squeezed
???? 1 tablespoon of salt

Everything is stirred and the water is drunk … guaranteed 1 hour later the virus will disappear ….
Hopefully everyone is in good health and trustworthy ..

Info from a friend whose brother is in the city of Bau Bau, Southeast Sulawesi … this herbal medicine is very effective …..
Can you inform our relatives, friends or family, thank you.

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photo" data-photolink="http://www.kompas.com/tren/image/2020/11/15/182000665/benarkah-ramuan-air-kelapa-muda-garam-dan-jeruk-nipis-bisa-atasi-virus?page=2" style="max-width: 100%;width:780px">WhatsApp Screenshot of the so-called herbal concoction WhatsApp message can kill the virus within 1 hour.-

Is that true?

Not yet proven

A professor at the Department of Internal Medicine who is also the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI), Ari Fahrial Syam, said the claims of the ingredients as in the chain message had not been medically proven.

“The term is this, there is no effective drug to kill the corona virus. If there are messages like that, that’s their nature, okay, maybe we say testimonials. Maybe people have testimonials, testimonials are not known to us in the medical world. Why? Because right? must be tested in clinical trials, “explained Ari when contacted Kompas.com, Sunday (15/11/2020).

This means that giving a mixture of 3 herbal ingredients does not necessarily have the same effect if consumed by different people.

Maybe it can bring a good impact in the form of healing, it can also trigger other problems.

Ari said, actually Covid-19 is a disease that can basically heal by itself.

“This disease is a disease that can heal itself. If our bodies are good, we can get through the disease,” he said.

Until now, a drug or vaccine that was confirmed to be effective through a series of clinical trial methods had not been found.

Ari welcomes anyone who wants to try consuming a mixture of young coconut water, lime juice, and salt as in the message.

“Young coconut water is healthy, a drink. There is water, there is electrolytes, then there are vitamins too. Lime is vitamin C. For salt, it’s an electrolyte.

Be careful who have stomach disease

However, he emphasized, as an ingredient whose effectiveness has not been confirmed, this solution can cause side effects, especially for people who have problems with their stomachs.

“If people have problems with ulcers, it could be problem. Lime tamarind and salty salt, the ulcer can recur. To be honest, there are patients who get lime juice, so the ulcer recurs, “he said.

“So maybe for someone who doesn’t have a problem with the stomach, there is no problem (consuming the solution). But if he is a stomach problem, it becomes problematic,” said Ari.

Also read: The success of Pfizer’s Corona Vaccine is Called to Increase Vaccinations

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