In the age of technology, cybercrime is a very real and present threat to businesses and individuals alike. The perpetrators behind these crimes operate in organized gangs, using sophisticated methods to infiltrate systems, steal sensitive data, and cause chaos. To shed light on this issue, we recently had the opportunity to chat with a hacker about cybercrime gangs, their involvement with Medibank, and their support for Russia’s attacks on Ukraine. In this article, we will delve into the conversation and explore the insights that were revealed regarding the murky world of cybercrime.
A cyber criminal gang, possibly linked to REvil, is responsible for last year’s Medibank hack that exposed the personal information of millions of Australians on the dark web. The gang uses a sophisticated “double extortion” tactic to steal sensitive data from organisations and ransom it back to them. Affiliates of the gang negotiate the ransom, giving both themselves and the gang a cut of the proceeds. Security researcher Jon DiMaggio says that groups like REvil are structured like normal companies, with mid-level managers and HR departments. Despite the impact of the Medibank hack, the hacker known as “Kerasid” who claims to have worked for REvil and other gangs, says he “couldn’t care less” about the distress caused to the victims of his hacks.
In conclusion, the conversation with the hacker sheds light on the complex world of cybercrime, where organized crime gangs use their skills to steal sensitive information and cause chaos. It also highlights the importance of protecting our personal information and being vigilant against cyber attacks. The discussion about Medibank’s breach and Russia’s involvement in the attacks on Ukraine reminds us that cybercrime is not just a technological problem, but a political one as well. As we continue to navigate the digital world, it is crucial to stay informed and proactive in protecting ourselves and society as a whole.