Home » News » Index – Domestic – János Slavik: Indian mutant is more aggressive, but vaccines protect against it

Index – Domestic – János Slavik: Indian mutant is more aggressive, but vaccines protect against it

Dr. János Szlávik said that it is gratifying that the concentration of coronavirus hereditary material in wastewater is low. “It predicts for quite a few weeks that this favorable epidemiological situation will remain so,” he said.

János Slavik also talked about the fact that there are now very few people in hospitals, mostly people who have been cared for for a long time and have not yet recovered.

Speaking of the Indian mutant, he put it this way:

It seems to be spreading more aggressively. The clinical picture is a little different, but fortunately the available vaccines are effective against it.

He added that those who have undergone the disease appear to indicate long-term protection against all mutants. Even if the number of antibodies decreases, cellular immunity is maintained. This also shows that it is not necessarily possible to measure from antibodies that who is protected – said János Slavik.

The chief infectious physician also talked about the need to continue vaccinations in Hungary to achieve herd immunity.

It is not certain that all Hungarian adults should be vaccinated, but we need more to calm down completely

– He told.

He also pointed out that in the case of two-component vaccines, the second vaccination is also important for the protection to be “significantly increased and last for a long time” and should therefore also be included.

János Slavik he also pointed out that since wearing a mask in public places, respiratory diseases have become more prevalent. “Of course, that’s why you don’t have to take the masks back, especially in open space, but it’s still recommended indoors,” he said.

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