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“I would give everything I have left to live to see her”, Adal Ramones and his message after unemployment

MEXICO CITY.- After the women’s strike on March 9, the program “Falling in love” carried out the transmission with the driver Adal Ramones, as Carmen Muñoz, the critics and the loving ones added to “A Day Without Us ”.

Adal Ramones and Adrián Cue They made different dynamics with the lovers to teach them the value that women have, as well as imagine what their life would be like if one of them were not there.

However, they were the only ones, Adrián Cue received a phone call “that was cut”, it was then that Ramones asked him to imagine that he could never listen to Ari, his 11-year-old daughter.

There in that call would have to be Ari your daughter, but Ari is not, Adrian, like many women, Ari who you love so much is not … From today you would never see her again, never again, Ari would never be opening the door or running to hug you again, I would never be writing you a letter or a drawing, you would never go to a school class festival to see it ”,

With tears in his eyes, Cue said he is not Ari’s biological father, but he has taken care of her with the same love and responsibility as if he were.

He explained that his daughter is a very strong girl, who has filled him with strength in the most difficult moments of his life and could not live without her.

On the other hand, Adal Ramones received a trio that sang to him “Little brunette”, song that his father sang to his mother with serenade.

Talk to your mom more often communicate with her, me friend, country where I was going, place of the world where I was, work or pleasure was already going to take off, I landed, I arrived mom, I’m eating, when mom leaves there days when I dialed the number and said: ‘God will never answer me,’ Adal said in tears to Adrian.

“I would give all that is left of my life to see her”culminated

Ramones’ mother, Teresita Martínez, died in September 2015, a cancer victim.

This note includes information from:
Aztec TV

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