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How to Write Scientific Articles: Tips for Getting Published in Accredited Journals

31 July 2023 09:22 |

Updated: July 31, 2023 18:22

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Illustration of writing a scientific article. Source: kompas.com/Oik Yusuf

Currently, writing scientific articles is not only the work of a researcher but also the main obligation of lecturers and students. The demand to write scientific articles makes academics look for ways how their articles can be published in accredited journals both nationally and internationally. As a novice writer, I share a little how to write scientific articles so they can be accepted and published in journals.

Scientific articles are the result of a research (original research) or a review of a concept (review article) which explains the latest findings (novelty). Novelty is the main requirement for our articles to be accepted in a journal. The purpose of scientific articles is to provide evidence of the contribution to the development of science. Therefore, the content of the article is not only a description of the data or the author’s opinion on a fact, but also contributes knowledge (theory).

The main things that are often considered by journals are: research findings (analysis) + discussion of its novelty, its differences from current research, its uniqueness, and its contribution to the development of science. This is also known as a research problem. The research problem raised should not be a trivial problem. We must be able to answer the “so what question” of the problem raised: If the problem can be solved, so what? What are the implications? Could it be that this problem has never been solved before, not because it’s “new”, but that the problem is a trivial problem that really doesn’t need to be solved?

The characteristics of a good article are: Produced from good research, published in accredited journals, and cited/becomes a reference for other people’s research and innovations.

The following will describe the parts of the article along with a brief explanation of the things that need attention, so that an article can be accepted in an accredited journal.


The scientific article structure that is often used is IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). In more detail, the structure of scientific articles from the development of IMRAD is: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Literature Review, Methods, Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment, Reference.


Paragraph 1: Describe your research territory. Explain that in general this research is important, strategic, interesting, related to the main problem to be solved.

Paragraph 2: What are the results of previous research on your research topic

Paragraph 3: What problems (gaps) have not been answered by previous studies and you will resolve these gaps in this research.

Paragraph 4: If the problem is solved, what are the benefits and contributions? Who benefits?

Literature Review

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2023-07-31 02:22:29
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