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How to have healthy and strong hips

Maintain a correct posture

A lot of people have the wrong posture. This can put pressure on the hips, when walking or standing.

The flexor muscles play an important role in maintaining a correct position. They establish the connection between the legs and the trunk and contribute to the stabilization of the spine.

An incorrect position is often manifested by a slight leaning forward. As a result, the spine acquires an unnatural curvature and can lead to back and hip pain.

To reduce stress on the flexor muscles, take a 2-3 minute break every 30 minutes sitting on the chair / couch.

When hip pain occurs, the causes can be multiple, including arthritis or rheumatoid osteoarthritis, which affects the joints and connective tissue. If you feel pain, it is advisable to go to a specialist to see if it is needed hip prosthesis. After the intervention, you will still be able to lead an active lifestyle, but without pain.

Protects the hips during sleep

Certain sleeping positions can put pressure on your hips, back and neck. Proper posture means more than being careful while walking or sitting at the desk.

In fact, the muscles and ligaments of the hips and back relax and heal while you sleep. In general, the face-up position and the side position are beneficial for hip health.

Wear appropriate footwear

Too tight footwear affects the health of the foot and can cause health problems in the knees, back, neck and hips. At every step, the hips need balance on the legs to walk safely.

Therefore, it is important to choose shoes that support the heel, the arched part of the foot and the toes.

People who engage in physical activity and do not wear appropriate footwear can feel it quickly. This can cause leg and hip problems. The same goes for those who spend many hours standing.

Reduce the risk of falling into the house

Hip dislocation is a serious problem that can occur after a fall, especially among the elderly.

The causes are varied and may include slippery tiles, cables of household appliances, unstable stairs, clutter on the floor.

The solution is to choose non-slip tiles, remove the cables from the floor, repair the stairs and tidy the house.

Keep your weight within healthy limits

Excess weight can increase the pressure on the hips, as well as the pain felt. If you suffer from arthritis and are overweight or obese, it is recommended that you take steps to lose weight.

Thus, there is a better chance that the hip pain will improve.

Eat healthy

In order to have healthy joints and muscles, it is advisable to have a healthy, varied and balanced diet. Eat fatty fish, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids (sardines, mackerel, salmon).

It also consumes foods rich in vitamin E. This nutrient has an anti-inflammatory role and reduces the risk of joint and bone problems.

You can take vitamin E from nuts, sunflower seeds, avocado, almonds and spinach. Includes in the diet and foods rich in antioxidants. They slow the progression of inflammatory arthritis. You can take antioxidants from berries, potatoes, carrots, broccoli, lettuce, bitter chocolate, pecans, beans.

Quit smoking

Many people are unaware that smoking increases the risk of joint and bone disease and can lead to osteoporosis.

Tobacco also increases the risk of conditions such as tendonitis and bursitis. If you smoke, there is a higher risk of rheumatoid arthritis, the main cause of hip problems.

Do hip exercises

Hip exercises are beneficial even if you do not have health problems. Regular practice strengthens the muscles in this area, increases stability and flexibility. As a result, you will be able to move more easily, with a lower risk of injury. Below are some exercises to take care of your hips.

Frankenstein’s walk

The exercise works the muscles of the hip, hamstring and quadriceps. At the same time, it improves the ability to move. Below are the steps to accomplish this exercise:

  • Stand up straight with your arms close to your body;
  • He extends his palms forward, with the inside facing the ground;
  • Slightly move forward and swing your legs to form a 90-degree angle with the vertical plane;
  • Slowly lower your foot to the ground, then repeat for the other leg;
  • Continue for a minute, then change direction, if you do the exercise at home;
  • As you get used to it, you can extend the arm opposite the foot as close as possible to the toes.

Leg rotations

Exercise improves stability and increases flexibility. For support, you can use a chair. Below are the steps of the exercise:

  • Stand up straight, feet close together and relaxed;
  • Gently lift your left foot to the side;
  • Make 10 small circles with your left foot, then change direction and make another 10;
  • Return to starting position and repeat for the other leg;
  • Once you get used to it, you can increase the diameter of the circle and even the number of repetitions.


This exercise increases the strength of the muscles in the hips, gluteus muscles and thighs. Below are the steps to make the shell:

  • Sit on the mattress, on one side, with your knees bent and a resistance band around your ankles;
  • Gently lift your upper leg, similar to an opening shell;
  • Hold the position for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position;
  • Do 8-10 repetitions, then move to the other side.

If you have healthy and strong hips, you can do your favorite activities more easily, whether it’s gardening, walking or running. Pay attention to diet, sleep and physical activity, and if your hip pain persists for more than 1-3 days, it is advisable to go to the doctor for a specialist consultation.

Photo source: True Touch Lifestyle /Shutterstock

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