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How to get rid of scratches on the face naturally easily

How to get rid of scratches on the face
How to get rid of scratches on the face. Photo by Ist / net

How to get rid of scratches on the face also accompanies various complaints of these skin problems. There are many things that concern most people, especially women who want bright and clean facial skin.

In everyday life, it is possible if the skin has problems. From uneven skin tone or skin patches.

This usually occurs due to frequent sun exposure. There are many ways to get rid of it. Check out the following tips.

How to get rid of scratches on the face

Facial skin is one of the important things we need to pay attention to. The problem is facial skin is the first thing or the thing most visible to others.

Having dull or even scratched skin can have an unpleasant effect. So, people always choose to keep looking good and healthy.

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A scratched face can appear accidentally. For example, because we live in a country with a tropical climate. So you still need skin care like Sun cream by protecting your skin from excessive UV rays.

However, if you already have scratched facial skin, then don’t worry and be sad. How to get rid of scratches on the face you can do with treatment.

Instead of doing expensive treatments at a beauty salon, it’s a good idea to try natural treatments. You can treat facial scratches by using a mask.

Use a natural mask every two weeks to restore facial skin tone. Here are some natural masks that you can use, including:

Lime juice for skin lightening

Who doesn’t know this fruit. Lemon is a fruit that is very beneficial for our body. Not only for health, but also for treating facial skin problems.

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With abundant nutritional content, you can squeeze this bright yellow skinned fruit and enjoy its water content as a natural brightening agent for the face. The skin lines will slowly disappear from your face. How to get rid of scratches on the face are:

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice with one tablespoon of sugar.
  2. Stir well and mix again with honey.
  3. Apply the lemon ingredients on your facial skin or on the skin that has spots.
  4. Massage gently, then rinse.

Do this twice a week for more satisfying results.

Cucumber paste that contains vitamin A.

Apart from carrots which contain vitamin A, cucumber. The content of vitamin A can help improve facial skin and also remove scratches on the face. The tricks are:

  1. Mix grated cucumber or blender with 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel until it becomes a paste.
  2. Apply it to your face as a morning and evening mask.
  3. We recommend that you use this mask regularly until you get the desired results.

Green tea as a high antioxidant

Green tea can be used as a natural mask to get rid of facial lines. The high antioxidant content in green tea can benefit the health and beauty of your skin.

You can use this tea mask using a lees to remove dirt clogged in the skin pores. The dirt clogged in the pores will make the face look dull. So you can use it as a means of removing scratches on the face.

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Using green tea can also tighten the skin and reduce the size of pores. Use a green tea mask regularly to get the desired results. The patches on the face will be lifted perfectly and will soon leave your face.

Aloe vera masks soothe the skin

Aloe vera is an herbal plant that you can use to improve the condition of your facial skin. It contains gel and lots of water which will keep your skin naturally hydrated.

Take and cut the aloe vera in your neighborhood and open the leaves. You can use the gel part as a face mask.

Aloe vera has a function as a facial cooler when you get out of the sun, which of course will burn your facial skin. By making it as a mask after traveling, your face will not smudge. Use this method to remove scratches on your face regularly for maximum benefits.

Yogurt mask

Yogurt is known to be very beneficial for our health, including facial skin health. The benefit for facial skin is to relieve irritation due to infection and stinging sun rays. How to get rid of scratches on the face is quite simple, including:

  1. Mix a spoonful of yogurt with 1-2 drops of lime.
  2. Gently massage your face after applying the mixture. Don’t scrub it harshly.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the mixture and its benefits to penetrate the facial skin.

Besides being able to treat facial skin scratches, this mixture of yogurt and lime can also clean the skin until it returns to its original color. Then, it can also make facial skin soft and radiant.

Bengkoang mask for skin lightening

This fruit is certain that most women know about its properties. Especially when talking about facial skin, one of which is how to remove scratches on the face.

Jicama is one of the fruits that many people rely on to brighten and whiten the skin. Along with this, you can also use jicama to restore the natural color of the skin. The method is simple, including:

  1. Grate the yam fruit and mix it with plain yogurt. You can replace yogurt with salt as a natural scrub.
  2. Rub the jicama scrub gently onto the scratched area or all areas of your face.
  3. Let stand for a while so that the nutrients soak into the skin. Then rinse with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  4. Using a natural scrub made from jicama ingredients can provide suppleness and shine to the face.
  5. Then it is certain that the scratches will disappear soon.
  6. Use regularly for satisfying results.

Papaya masks can fade black spots

The minerals and vitamins contained in this tropical fruit are not only beneficial for the body, but also for your facial skin. One of the benefits is removing scratches on the face.

Black spots that land on your face will soon be resolved by regularly using papaya as a natural mask. Then you can overcome facial skin problems due to sun exposure by:

  1. Crush the papaya and mix with honey.
  2. Spread the papaya mixture with honey all over your face.
  3. Leave the mask on your face for a few minutes or about 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Then rinse with warm water.

Apart from treating facial skin discoloration, this honey papaya mask can make skin shiny and soft. Use or do it regularly at least twice a week so that how to get rid of facial lines gets the desired results.

Honey mask

There is no need for us to doubt that honey is a very beneficial ingredient. Not only for the health of the body, but it can also provide benefits by removing stripes.

The method is quite simple, namely by taking a tablespoon of honey and applying it evenly on the face. You can also apply it to the scratched part.

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For best results, you can mix honey with almonds. Do this regularly twice a week, then facial skin will return to its shine and will not change color.

Rice mask as a facial skin lightener

Rice water has become common knowledge of Japanese society by lightening the natural color of facial skin. So do not be surprised if many cosmetics contain rice water in their products. In addition, you can also use rice water to remove scratches on your face. The method is simple, namely:

  1. Wash the rice thoroughly.
  2. Mash the rice until smooth.
  3. Give a little water or until it becomes a paste.
  4. Apply it on the face or on the patch.
  5. Leave it on for a few minutes after gently massaging it.
  6. Then rinse with warm water to warm the nails.

Do this at least twice a week so that the scratches are gone forever. You can remove the wrinkles on your face regularly to get the desired results. (R11 / HR-Online)

Editor: Karwati Putu Latief

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