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How to disable iMessage read receipts on iPhone, iPad and Mac

Have you ever left a message without replying to the sender? It’s not a good feeling, but sometimes you do it by accident. Think about it: you get a text message in the middle of a busy day, you look at it and tell yourself you’ll reply later – and then it’s a week later, and all you can say is Oops. One way to fix this is to turn off iOS read receipts, so that no one knows if you’ve seen the message or not.

Of course, Message users can expect to see a read receipt, but it is not necessary. You can also disable them only for certain people if you have a particularly pushy friend or family member. You can turn off read receipts on your iPhone, Mac, or iPad.

How to disable iMessage read receipts on iPhone and iPad

There are two ways to disable iMessage read receipts: globally, which affects everyone in the contact list, or by specific contact.

To globally disable read receipts:

  1. To open Settings> Messages.

  1. Scroll down until you find Send read receiptsthen tap the switch to turn it off.

If you do, you won’t send read receipts for any conversations.

To deactivate by touch:

  1. To open Messages and select the conversation you want to turn off read receipts for.

  1. Tap the icon above the phone number, then tap the switch next to it Send read receipts.

This is a great option if you don’t want to get rid of the feature, but someone might follow you too often if they see you’ve read their post. Sure, we all know someone like that.

Note that this only works for those who use iMessage. If there is a person Android or by sending SMS or SMS, read receipts will not be displayed.

There is also another option: you can disable iMessage. Keep in mind that this means that you can only send all messages via SMS and you will not benefit from sending messages over Wi-Fi. Also, it disables many of the benefits iMessage offers to iPhone users. For example, if you used an Apple ID as your login, the messages will go and come with your phone number instead, which means a new message thread will start. Unfortunately, this also means that these messages will not be saved in iCloud.

  1. To open Settings> Messaging.
  2. Tap the switch next to iMessage to disable account messages iMessage .

How to disable iMessage read receipts on Mac

Like on the iPhone, iMessage on Mac lets you choose to disable read receipts globally or disable them for individual contacts.

To globally disable read receipts:

  1. To open Messages.
  2. To select Messages> Preferences.

  1. To select iMessage.

  1. Check the box to disable read receipts.

The process for disabling read receipts for individual users is also similar:

  1. To open Messages.
  2. Right-click on the conversation and select Details.

  1. Scroll down and uncheck the box to send read receipts.

This is all we can say about it. Simply repeat this process (but check the box instead of unchecking it) to re-enable read receipts.

Apple devices are known for their privacy features, and iOS, iPadOS, and macOS allow you to customize even the smallest details, like who can see you’ve read their message. Take advantage of this tool to control your privacy as needed.

Above is information on how to disable iMessage read receipts on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Please leave a comment in the comment section below or like and share helply.net on social media to help spread the word about this solution.

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