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How to avoid seasickness

Malaise, vomiting and dizzy spells, signs of seasickness have ruined many a stay on the water. This disease is caused by a conflict between the inner ear, visual information and the perception that we have of our body in space. “The discordance of information disturbs the action of the centers of equilibrium. Unable to provide a response in accordance with the information received, the center [d’équilibre du cerveau, NDLR] ‘accumulates’ unusable information, causing excess nerve impulses, explains doctor Jean-Yves Chauve, official doctor of the Vendée globe in the magazine Health veil. Beyond a bearable dose, this nervous overload must be evacuated and it is the vomiting that takes care of it. ”

This overload hits more or less hard depending on the sea conditions. “Seasickness usually happens when the person can no longer see the coast, or on a motor boat, explains Doctor Hervé Roguedas, federal doctor of the French Sailing Federation. On the contrary, it is particularly rare on small single-handed or double-handed vehicles. ” The dissonance of feeling and perception is particularly strong when the sea is agitated: “The movements up and down, perpendicular to the eye-ear line are the most to be feared ”, explains the Vendée Globe doctor.

However, seasickness is also individual and particularly affects children. “The sensibility [au mal de mer, NDLR] increases from 2 to 12 years, then stabilizes and decreases slowly with advancing age, assures Doctor Chauve. After 50 years, seasickness is rarer. ” This professional of the sea advises against getting on a boat with the anxiety of having seasickness, it is according to him the best way to trigger it. Likewise, it ensures that fatigue, hunger, cold and humidity as well as certain strong odors cause this nausea.

Tips for dealing with seasickness

To no longer suffer from seasickness, the doctor advises before boarding to sleep well the day before, not to overeat, to hydrate well and to dress warmly.

Once at sea, you have to be active to avoid thinking about it, stay in the middle of the boat where the swell is more attenuated due to the center of gravity, and if possible breathe the air from outside.

In the event of a start of discomfort, he suggests fixing the horizon or another distant point in order to help the internal balance system, to keep the head still, to snack regularly so as not to be in hypoglycemia and to aggravate the feeling dizzy and lying down if it is not possible to be active.

Jean-Yves Chauve also advises against taking stimulants such as coffee or alcohol, to go to the front of the boat and especially to read.

Treatments to mitigate the effects

There are medicines to prevent or reduce the symptoms of seasickness, however they are not without side effects. Ear re-education also exists to combat these discomforts.

However, this internal dissonance normally resolves within 2 to 3 days at sea. ”The adaptation time is very variable depending on the individual, says Dr. Chauve. Gradually, the center of balance considers this inconsistent information as irrelevant. When he doesn’t take it into account at all, it’s much better. ” A phenomenon similar to that of a noisy environment where after a certain time the brain ignores this discomfort.

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