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Healthy Foods for Beginner Diet with Daily Menu

healthy food for the diet
List of healthy foods for the diet. Photo: Ist / Net

Healthy foods for a beginner diet can provide many benefits. In addition to losing weight, it will also make the body much healthier. Vary the menu of green vegetables, meat, fish, fruit and nuts for optimal results.

Diet is an effort to regulate and manage food consumption menus in order to provide benefits according to our goals. There are those to lose weight, to overcome a disease, to maintain a healthy body.

You can make a list of healthy and cheap food menus with a variety of foods that are rich in nutrients. However, the types of food we choose generally contain low calories.

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However, following a healthy diet is not by getting rid of certain types of food. Because, the body also needs a variety of nutrients to meet its needs.

With many types of healthy foods for your diet, you can arrange a menu that suits your needs. Because it is very important to recognize the nutritional content contained in various foods so that the results are more optimal.

List of Healthy Foods For Daily Diet

Running a natural healthy diet program, of course, not only by eating certain foods. You also need to balance it with regular exercise and drinking enough water for your body’s needs.

So, for those of you who want to run a healthy food program, here is a list of healthy foods for your daily diet. For those of you who are beginners, you can choose an inexpensive healthy diet menu from this food.


An excellent type of vegetable for the diet is potatoes. These foods are rich in protein, low in calories and fat. Potatoes contain a lot of vitamin B complex and potassium and are a good source of energy for diet.

To get optimal results, you should consume potatoes by boiling them. You can eat it directly or mix it with other foods. This fruit is also good for controlling blood pressure.


Another healthy food option for the diet is sweet potatoes. If you want to make a healthy diet menu without rice you can replace it with sweet potatoes or potatoes. Sweet potatoes are low in carbohydrates but rich in important nutrients.

For serving, you should also boil it. You can also eat it right away or you can process it with another menu according to your taste. Including sweet potatoes in your diet is useful for improving body health.


This delicious sweet fruit is also rich in vitamins and minerals which are very important for the body. Papaya is also rich in fiber which is good for adding to a healthy snack menu, especially for those of you who like to snack.

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You can eat it fresh or make it into a juice. Adding papaya with avocado tofu, vegetables will also be a healthy food menu for a delicious diet.


This fruit is quite popular as a healthy diet menu so it must be included in your diet. Avocados are rich in fiber which is good for weight loss.

This fruit also contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that are effective for maintaining a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. You can make it into juice with other fruits or vegetables.


To reduce hunger that often arises, you can take advantage of apples which are rich in fiber. You can consume it immediately or by making it into juice.

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Apples are a type of perennial fruit for health and beauty that has been famous since ancient times. Therefore, this fruit needs to be included in your cheap healthy diet menu. Vary the types of apples you consume.

Green vegetable

Green leafy vegetables are also good as a healthy food for a diet. Like kale, mustard greens, asparagus, and spinach which are low in calories and carbohydrates. This menu also contains many nutrients that are essential to meet the body’s needs.

These foods are also famous for their antioxidant properties and calcium which are beneficial in burning body fat. The fiber content is very good for a more effective weight loss diet.

For how to process it you can serve it into vegetable juice or make a delicious vegetable salad. So that the nutrients are not damaged, you should eat raw vegetables or boil them first.


There are many types of nuts that need to be included in your menu. There are some people who avoid this type of food for their diet. Though nuts are rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats which are important for health.

Nuts are also a healthy food for the diet which is a source of energy. Choose types of nuts such as almonds, kidney beans, walnuts, and macadamia nuts. These types of nuts contain omega 3 and 9 and anti-oxidant substances.

For how to consume it can be for a snack between meals. Snacking on nuts can also overcome habits that like snacking but with healthy and good foods to support your program.


For those of you who want to make a healthy diet menu without rice, you can choose oatmeal as a substitute. These whole grain foods are rich in soluble fiber which is important for overcoming cholesterol and keeping you full longer.

These foods are also good for digestion and control blood sugar levels. Make oatmeal as a breakfast menu that will be able to meet the body’s calorie needs.


Another healthy food alternative to another diet is yogurt. These fermented foods from milk usually add fruit or soy so they contain complete nutrition.

The content in yogurt includes calories, vitamin D, calcium and fat. A number of studies have found that the benefits of yogurt can burn fat which is good for weight loss.


For those of you who want to manage your food intake, include eggs in your menu. These foods are rich in protein and healthy fats that are good for your health. Eggs are also low in calories so they are suitable for a healthy diet menu.

To eat it, you can boil it or mix it with other food menus. Eating eggs will also make you full quickly and not easily get hungry.

Tuna Fish

A healthy diet for a diet that you also need to consume is tuna. Basically, most of the sea fish is good for diet, such as salmon or tuna.

Apart from being rich in essential nutrients, sea fish also contains omega 3 which is good for the brain. Tuna is also very good for weight loss diets because of its properties in burning excess fat.

Red Meat or Chicken Breast

For those of you who cannot leave meat for the diet, you can choose red meat or chicken breast. But remove the fat and process it also needs the right way.

Red meat is rich in protein and amino acids which are essential for the regeneration of skin cells. These foods also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins B12 and B6, iron, and calcium.

However, eating red meat or chicken breast for the diet should not exceed 3 ounces per day. These foods can be a source of energy for those of you who are working or active as well as not making your stomach hungry quickly.


Do you like spicy food and stick to a diet? Just include chilies in a healthy diet for your diet. A number of studies have found the properties of chilies in burning excess body fat more effectively.

But of course you shouldn’t overdo it during this program. Moreover, the fiber content is also useful for making the stomach full longer. Combine or make food seasonings to make it taste spicier and tastier.

Tofu and tempeh

Food that is identical to Wong Ndeso is very rich in nutrients. These foods are also low in calories and good for propping up a hungry stomach. Therefore you can include these foods in your diet menu.

Tofu or tempeh also contains a lot of fiber which will make your stomach full longer. Even if you are hungry at night, there is nothing wrong with snacking on these foods.

Those are the various types of healthy foods for a diet that you can choose from. Just adjust your diet with your goals to lose weight, maintain body fitness, or for other purposes. (R11/HR-Online)

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