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Health Network “Reduce libido, be careful of testosterone deficiency!Medical education “eat like this” assists male hormones – LOHAS Diet – Free Health Network


The doctor reminds that if you want to improve low testosterone, in addition to taking medication according to the doctor’s instructions, you can also improve male hormones through weight loss, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and drinking, and adjusting your daily routine. The picture shows a situational photo. (Photo credit: shutterstock)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Testosterone is the source of vitality for men, and it controls physical and external performance and health. However, doctors say that when men are about 40 years old, testosterone secretion will approach its peak and will decrease by 1 to 2% year by year. Therefore, if you want to improve low testosterone, it is recommended that in addition to taking medication according to the doctor’s instructions, you can also improve through diet, such as eating more foods containing high-quality protein, cholesterol, DHEA, antioxidants, zinc, and arginine. Helps to boost male hormones.

Zhuang Fengbin, the adjunct chief physician of the Department of Urology of the Tri-Services General Hospital, posted on his Facebook fan page “Happy Physician Zhuang Fengbin Physician“, YouTube channel “Happy Doctor Zhuang Fengbin“The article pointed out that testosterone is a very important hormone for men. It controls physiological processes such as sexual desire, muscle mass, fat, heart and exercise performance. Even stress resistance is also related to testosterone, but when men are about 40 years old, testosterone The secretion will be close to the peak, and will decrease by 1 to 2% year by year. People who work physically are more likely to feel fatigued due to low testosterone levels. On the contrary, people who work mostly static will not feel fatigued as much.

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Zhuang Fengbin said that if you want to judge whether you have low testosterone, you can use the low testosterone assessment scale to judge (see the figure below). If 10 points meet 3 points, you need to pay special attention.


The Male Hormone Depression Assessment Scale. (The picture is taken from Zhuang Fengbin Fan Special)

In addition, Zhuang Fengbin added that the self-assessment scale of decreased libido and poor erectile function, etc., in fact, when male testosterone is low, according to medical research, it will also cause problems with the body’s nitric oxide. Because the reduction of nitric oxide will actually cause the cardiovascular, and the cavernous body and blood vessels of the penis are not easily congested, it is easy to cause erectile dysfunction at this time, and it is easy to cause a crisis in happiness.

As for how to improve low testosterone? Zhuang Fengbin said that in addition to taking medication according to the doctor’s instructions, you can also take more high-quality protein, cholesterol, DHEA, anti-inflammatory drugs through weight loss, moderate exercise, quitting smoking and drinking, adjusting your daily routine, and improving your diet, especially the diet. Foods such as oxides, zinc and arginine. In addition, you can also add fish oil or supplement with nitric oxide-rich health products, such as pine bark, resveratrol shake is a good choice.

●High-quality protein, cholesterol food:Such as lamb etc.

●Antioxidant foods:Such as onion, garlic, yam, watermelon, wax gourd, etc.

●Arginine food:Such as meat, shrimp, sesame, soybean, nuts, etc.

●DHEA food:Such as yam, potato and so on.

●Mineral zinc food:Such as oysters, liver, eel and so on.

Zhuang Fengbin reminded that in clinical practice, many men in their 30s have low testosterone due to heavy work pressure, and then have poor work attitude, low mood, irritability, and fall asleep on the sofa. , and even affect the harmony between the two sexes. Therefore, it is recommended that men should not ignore the problem of low testosterone easily. They can arrange a happy health check to find out the real main cause of their low testosterone.

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