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Hartstichting advises: really measure your blood pressure annually

The Heart Foundation is again starting a campaign to emphasize the importance of measuring blood pressure. “A quarter of the deaths from heart disease and a third of the deaths from strokes in the Netherlands are caused by high blood pressure. Because you usually do not notice high blood pressure, it is also called a silent condition, ”the organization warns.

More often high blood pressure in the elderly

Older people are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure because the veins become calcified with age. This causes the blood vessels to narrow and stiffen. The annoying thing is that there is often nothing to notice at first. Only with extremely high blood pressure can one feel dizzy, blurred vision, have a headache or vomit. “Measure your blood pressure at least once a year”, David Smeekes, doctor at the Heart Foundation, tells people. “From the age of 40 you are more likely to have high blood pressure, both men and women. By measuring annually, you can discover in time whether you have high blood pressure. “

Men in particular measure little

According to the Heart Foundation, men in particular pay too little attention to their blood pressure. “Almost half (44 percent) of men aged 40 to 60 are not interested in measuring blood pressure. And that while no less than 1 in 3 men has high blood pressure. Only half (56 percent) say they have measured blood pressure in the past year. That percentage has to increase, ”according to the Heart Foundation. High blood pressure is slightly less common in women aged 40 to 60 than in men. Physique and hormones play a role in this, but according to the Heart Foundation, men also live unhealthier lives; are less concerned with their health than women, smoke more often and eat saltier. They are also more often fat.

Which blood pressure is healthy?

The blood pressure consists of the upper pressure and the negative pressure. The highest number is the top pressure and the lowest number is the negative pressure. You have normal blood pressure if it is below 140/90 mmHg. If you measure a blood pressure that is higher than 140 mmHg once, that does not say much. You will get a good impression if you monitor your blood pressure every morning and evening for a week. Does your blood pressure stay high? Then contact your GP practice. If you measure a blood pressure above 180 mmHg, repeat the measurement. Is your blood pressure still higher than 180 mmHg after taking several measurements? Then contact your GP practice the same day. You will then receive advice on which measures are necessary. Are you taking medication for your blood pressure? Then your doctor will assess what is the best blood pressure value for you.

Measure your blood pressure yourself?

General practitioner David Smeekes explains in the video how you can take a reliable blood pressure measurement at home.

How is blood pressure lowered?

Sometimes it helps to change certain habits. Such as quitting smoking, eating less fat and salt, cutting back on alcohol and exercising more. “If you are overweight and you lose weight, your blood pressure can drop to about 20 points,” says Smeekes. In the article High bloodpressure? This way you can lower it we will go further into lowering blood pressure and also the benefits of eating certain vegetables, such as arugula, spinach and beetroot.

The Heart Foundation gives these 5 tips:

  • Eat healthier
    Try replacing saturated fat with unsaturated fat. Eat whole grain products and 250 grams of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit every day.
  • Eat less salt
    Ready-to-use products often contain a lot of salt. So cook yourself, with lots of fresh vegetables. Add little salt and try flavoring your meal with fresh herbs.
  • To lose weight
    Are you overweight? Then try to lose some pounds. Do not follow a crash diet, but make a good eating and exercise plan for yourself. This is especially important if fat is building up around your belly.
  • Move more
    Choose a way that suits you. You can exercise or take the bike more often for the shorter journeys where you normally use the car.
  • Quit smoking
    Nicotine increases heart rate and blood pressure. Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your heart and blood vessels. Make a plan and reward yourself when it works.


Sometimes multiple medications are needed to control blood pressure. The drugs cure the high bloodpressure not, but only lower it. The blood pressure must be continuously monitored to see if the drugs are working properly. This can be done at home and with the doctor.

(Source: ANP, Heart Foundation, archive)

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