Home » today » News » Hampartzumyan and Karimanski with key news about the euro. Changes in administration and business – 2024-08-04 08:19:44

Hampartzumyan and Karimanski with key news about the euro. Changes in administration and business – 2024-08-04 08:19:44

Our July 2025 entry into the Eurozone is not a realistic goal. This is what financier Lubomir Karimanski thinks. He and the banker Levon Hampartzumyan commented on the topic on Nova TV.

“There are many reasons. First, in convergent reports there are quite a few more notes as additional factors to the 4 main criteria. One of the factors is related to the competitiveness of our economy. But our business associations also say they are not ready for that date. We should not fixate on the date. We should be interested in the rate of increase in remuneration can lead to an increase in productivity in the economy”, said Karimanski.

According to Levon Hampartzumyan, everything possible should be done for our faster entry into the Eurozone.

“If there is an ambition to do this in the middle of next year, it better be defined,” said Levon Hampartzumyan. “Yes, some are not ready, but they will not be ready in 10 years either – enterprises with a low degree of automation, with poorly trained staff – do not have a great perspective both with the euro and without the euro,” commented the banker.

“There is a phenomenon in marketing – supply creates demand. Entry into the Eurozone also has a disciplining effect. At some point, it will turn out that some people – in the administration, in business, do not belong where they are,” Hampartsumyan said.

According to him, the standard of living in several cities in Bulgaria is on average European. “That there are places where people live a primitive life is a problem of state development and governance and many other things. The administration must be pushed by public opinion. If it doesn’t happen, at least let’s know that we tried,” Hampartsumyan said.

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