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‘GGDs can vaccinate young people this summer if necessary’

If the cabinet decides to also have young people aged 12 to 18 years vaccinated against the coronavirus, it may be feasible for the GGDs to be ready by the beginning of September, thinks André Rouvoet of GGD GHOR Nederland.

“If we do that, I don’t think it will lead to a very big delay” in the vaccination campaign, Rouvoet said on NPO Radio 1 on Monday.

According to the chairman of the branch organization, the GGDs would “be able to handle it well” to also prick young people. A decision on this has not yet been taken. “My expectation is that it will come, to be honest,” Rouvoet looked ahead.


The cabinet is first awaiting an advisory report from the Health Council, which is expected to be published later this week. Several European countries, such as Germany, Poland and Romania, have already decided to vaccinate adolescents against the virus.

If it also comes to that in the Netherlands, it might be feasible to give them two injections in the same time frame as adults from the younger age groups, according to the GGD chairman in the 1on1 program. Then the GGDs must “include the 12 to 18-year-olds in a sensible way”.

Young people aged 16 and 17 with certain medical conditions have been eligible for corona vaccination for some time.

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