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Friday June 26 update on Covid-19


coronavirus” data-reactid=”24″>Comparison of the effects of different forms of smoking on the coronavirus

“As the WHO pointed out, tobacco cigarettes and water pipes can contribute to the increased burden of symptoms due to compared to non-smokers, including admission to intensive care, mechanical ventilation and the serious health consequences “, write the researchers of the study. The World Health Organization also notes an increased risk of coronavirus infection among electronic cigarette smokers. Indeed, recent data by electron microscope have revealed viral inclusion structures in endothelium cells, associated with an accumulation of inflammatory cells. Since smoking per se is a well-established risk factor for respiratory and respiratory infections, it may cause more severe Covid-19 symptoms and increase death rates. “data-reactid =” 25 “> compares the effects of conventional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes and” water pipes “on the body and clinical diseases, and on them. Affecting the lungs, the and the vessels blood, cigarettes would cause damage to health: cardiovascular risks, DNA damage … and would increase the risk of infection.“As the WHO pointed out, tobacco cigarettes and water pipes can contribute to the increased burden of symptoms due to compared to non-smokers, including admission to intensive care, mechanical ventilation and the serious health consequences “, write the researchers of the study. The World Health Organization also notes an increased risk of coronavirus infection among electronic cigarette smokers. Indeed, recent data by electron microscope have revealed viral inclusion structures in endothelium cells, associated with an accumulation of inflammatory cells. Since smoking per se is a well-established risk factor for respiratory and respiratory infections, it may cause more severe Covid-19 symptoms and increase death rates.

from coronavirus very rare, says European study” data-reactid=”26″>Child deaths from coronavirus very rare, says European study

Covid-19 sont extrêmement rares et ne surviennent que dans moins de 1% des cas, car la maladie reste chez eux essentiellement bénigne, confirme une étude internationale européenne. 82 établissements de santé ont participé à cette première étude européenne auprès d'enfants et adolescents (âgés de trois jours à moins de 18 ans), parue dans la revue spécialisée The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. The study shows that of the nearly 600 children under the age of 18 infected with the new coronavirus, only one qua[…]”data-reactid =” 27 “> Deaths in children due to Covid-19 are extremely rare and occur only in less than 1% of cases, since the disease remains essentially benign in them, confirms an international European study. 82 health establishments participated in this first European study on children and adolescents (aged three days to less than 18 years), published in the specialized journal The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. The study shows that of the nearly 600 children under the age of 18 infected with the new coronavirus, only one qua[…]

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